Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Student Success Center Questions
A Success Coach is a guide who helps students to navigate campus resources and supports students in resolving issues as part of an effort to ensure students thrive and ultimately graduate from the college. Success Coaches meet with students one-on-one to create Academic Success Plans and provide personalized guidance. To make an appointment with a Success Coach email, call, or stop by.
A Peer Coach is an upper-level student who helps other students navigate college. Like Success Coaches, Peer Coaches support students in accessing resources and problem solving, as well as share tips and tricks of what makes them successful students. To make an appointment with a Peer Coach email, call, or stop by.
An Emergency Resource Coordinator is an advocate who helps students when they are facing difficulties that extend beyond the classroom. Emergency Resource Coordinators are knowledgeable about the various resources and support available to students, both at the college and off-campus. To make an appointment with an Emergency Resource Coordinator email call, or stop by.
Come in and ask! If we can't help you within the Center, we will find you a person or resource that can. Please take a look at the Student Success Services page of our website for more information on the specific services and support we offer.
The Petrie Student Emergency Grant Program was created to assist students coping with unexpected hardship so that they can continue their education at City Tech. The goal is to make sure that students are not forced to leave school because of emergencies beyond their control that might otherwise make it impossible for them to continue. All City Tech students are eligible to apply, and funds are awarded on basis of need. Our Emergency Resource Coordinators can assist you with putting together your application.
There are many reasons you received an email from the Student Success Center. Maybe we sent you an invitation to an upcoming event we are hosting. Or we emailed you a reminder of an upcoming deadline that we wanted to be sure you didn't miss. Perhaps we contacted you to let you know that one of your professors thinks you need some extra help. If you are still confused after reading the email, feel free to email us or drop by the Center and we will figure it out with you.
If a professor feels that you are having difficulty with something, they may send an alert to you and to the Student Success Center. A Coach from the Student Success Center will reach out to schedule an appointment with you. At the appointment, you and the coach will create a plan to address the difficulty, so that it doesn't slow you down. When someone reaches out to you from the Student Success Center, it does not mean that you are in trouble — we are here to help!
City Tech 101 (CT101) is an enhanced orientation for new City Tech students. It not only introduces you to all the things you need to know at City Tech, it also helps you become familiar with the skills and knowledge you need to be a successful college student. 99% of students who have taken City Tech 101 say that they would recommend it to any new student at the college. If you are interested in signing up for the next session of City Tech 101, send an email to
You don't need to do anything to prepare for your first meeting with someone at the Student Success Center, but there are some things you can do to make your visit as productive as possible. If you are coming to the Student Success Center for a question or issue with a particular class or professor, bring any papers or information you might want to share. If you are coming to talk about accessing emergency resources and services, bring your state ID and any other supporting paperwork that might be useful.
The Student Success Center is located on the ground floor of the Library Building, in room Library G-18R. We are across from the elevators in the Library Building.
Our Zoom Room is open Monday — Saturday from 10am — 2pm during the semester. You can log in by entering our Meeting ID: 884 2084 3866.
The Student Success Center does not provide tutoring, but we can help you to find tutoring on campus or via We can also help students who do not have access to, utilize its services. We will also help you with your study skills, so that you are prepared to study independently after your tutoring appointment.
General City Tech Questions
Yes, you will need a City Tech ID in order to enter campus buildings. Check here for information.
Check here for information about signing into online courses.
Check here for information on understanding your schedule.
Check here for information on locating your classrooms.
You are allowed to change your major. There are different rules and regulations depending on the department, so we recommend that you visit your advisor or the Student Success Center before making any decisions. When you are ready to change your major, use the Change of Curriculum form found here.
Check here for information on registering for classes.
All City Tech students has access to advisors. Check here for information on locating your advisor.
Check here for directions You can also visit the Student Help Desk in the Welcome Center on the first floor of the Library Building for help setting up your device.
Yes! You need to use your City Tech email to make sure you are receiving all important information from the college, including important Financial Aid info. Check here for information on how to access and use your City Tech email.
Check here for information on accessing Brightspace.
Check here for information about getting involved on campus.
Check with Student Life & Development and Student Government for information on volunteering at City Tech.
Check here for information on Federal Work Study jobs.