Salimatou Doumbouya
SGA President
General Building 400 (G-400)
Phone: 718-260-5019
The Student Government Association is the representative body for students on all college policy issues. SGA strives to advocate on behalf of the students to administration, faculty, student organizations and the college community. As representatives for the students, we provide an opportunity for student's views to be expressed and heard. The body is comprised of seven executive officers and thirteen senators. The primary function of Student Government is to uphold our rights as students. We are responsible for allocating and managing the student activity fee and assisting all clubs and organizations.
Beginning Summer 2024 all courses will be taught on Brightspace.
Continue to Brightspace to access your course materials.
If you are attempting to access SPARC or other training, or if you are a faculty member seeking access to a Blackboard course, please proceed to Blackboard.