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Accounting, Marketing, & Fashion Studies
300 Jay Street
Room N-1012
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: Business@citytech.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-260-5773
Fax: 718-260-5774
Vision Care Technology, Ophthalmic Dispensing, & Eyeglass Clinic
285 Jay Street
Room A-812
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: VisionCare@citytech.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-260-5298
Fax: 718-254-8521
Student Resources
For general information about the advisement process, please visit this link.
If you are a student in need of advisement or other information, please click the Calendar tab and/or attempt to contact one of your major professors via email and/or consult the advising schedule posted in N-1012. You can find your advisor by opening the Who is my advisor?.
Important Information
- If there is a hold on your record, it must be cleared by the Registrar or the Bursar before your registration can be processed.
- Students must use their official Citytech email for all college business. The Business Department cannot answer personal questions unless you use your Citytech email address. For access and more information on your student e-mail account click here.
- If you visit ANY City Tech office and/or speak with any advisor or other person at City Tech, you MUST print out and complete a Student Routing Slip BEFORE you come to the Business Department for additional information. If you are requesting that we deal with your issue via email, we still require the Student Routing Slip. In this case, please scan/photograph the completed slip and send the image along with your email. We cannot process your requests without this completed slip. Similarly, if WE send you to another office and/or advisor or other person at City Tech, we will sign your completed Routing Slip so you will have it to show that office/person/etc. This is very important because we want to avoid giving conflicting information. The routing slip will also document every encounter you have with advisors and other people. This way, there will be less ambiguity about your requirements, schedules, etc.
- International students need to have their transcripts evaluated, approved, and certified in coordination with the IS Peer Advisement program. The department can only help with Business Department-specific issues AFTER that process is complete. Please click here to be paired with an advisor. For further information, contact Vanessa Villanueva, International Student Advisor by phone at 718-260-5509 or sign-up via email at ISLinkUP@citytech.cuny.edu
Registration Information
All current students will be notified of their registration appointment (the time and date you can start registering for classes) by City Tech email and you can also find your enrollment start date by visiting your Student Center in CUNYfirst.
How to find your enrollment date within your Student Center?
How to enroll in classes on CUNYfirst?
How can I access my degree audit?
- Students planning to enroll in a foreign language course at City Tech for the first time take a placement test to measure their degree of proficiency. The Program offers three levels of language instruction in Arabic, Chinese and French. Spanish courses include four levels of language instruction, including two upper-level courses in Spanish literature.
- For further instructions, please see the Humanities Department Permission for Foreign Language Classes form.
If you are unable to resolve your issue using this PDF guide, please check out these useful tools for transfer students. If you still have questions or issues, please reach out to the Transfer Student Center
ZOOM Virtual Office Meeting
Meeting ID: 938 5096 8942
Passcode: transferTransfer Credit Inquiries can be emailed to: TransferEval@citytech.cuny.edu
Transfer Application Inquiries can be emailed to: TransferAdmissions@citytech.cuny.edu
NOTE: The Business Department can ONLY assist you AFTER the Transfer Center has evaluated your transcripts and ONLY for Business Department courses.
Note: The Business Department can not help with general issues of transfer credits. You must use this system first. You can find a variety of useful tools here. Only AFTER, if there are any special issues relating to Business Department-specific courses, should you approach the Business Department for additional guidance. In this case, you will need to complete a Student Routing Slip BEFORE you come to the Business Department for additional information.
Additional Information and Contacts
For additional information not found in above documents, Marketing students should contact Prof. Dixon, who can be reached at JDixon@citytech.cuny.edu. Accounting students should contact Prof. Singh, who can be reached at GSingh@citytech.cuny.edu. Any questions regarding the Business and Technology of Fashion program should be directed to the Program Director, Prof. Adomaitis. She can be reached at AAdomaitis@citytech.cuny.edu .
Advisement Schedule:
Advisement Schedule For Accounting, Fashion Marketing & Marketing Management And Sales Majors
Advisors and Faculty:
How to Reach Out to Other Departments
Sometimes it is necessary to reach out to another department. For example, if you seek a prerequisite waiver for a non-Business Department course, you would need to get permission from the other department. As each department has its own protocol for handling requests, the best thing to do is to visit that department's webpage. There you will find the preferred contact email/phone/location and also, if needed, the name and contact coordinates for the department chair. Sometimes, the department will have set up special instructions and/or contact people to handle particular kinds of requests.
Transfer Students
If you have questions about the status of your transfer credit(s) evaluation and/or have questions about if your (prior) degree(s) and/or transcript(s) was/were received by the college, please check out the Transfer Credit Evaluation Page. You can also email: transfercreditappeal@citytech.cuny.edu
First Semester Students
You can find out more and even find out how to set up a meeting with someone to discuss your status by visiting the First Semester Advisement webpage or you can email them directly at: Advisement4u@citytech.cuny.edu
The Department of Business is happy to announce the creation of its new Business Minor (B-Minor). This program allows you to complete a B-Minor by simply adding a few courses to your program while finishing your BA, BS, BFA, or BTECH degree. Several of the B-Minor foundation courses meet other City Tech requirements you need to satisfy anyway. Thus, if carefully chosen, they may not significantly add to your overall workload. To enroll, just complete the Business Minor Declaration Form, get the appropriate BUSINESS DEPARTMENT advisor’s (see below) signature, and submit directly to the Registrar. Note that the form should be completed after you have completed at least 60 credits towards your BA, BS, BFA, or BTECH degree; however, you can begin taking appropriate courses (see Information Sheet) earlier. The required sequence of courses provides an adequate preparation for general business practice and a fundamental understanding of the key concepts that all businesses share.
“Minor in Business” will appear on your transcript.
There is no specific additional cost for the Business Minor, i.e., all students pursuing a BA, BS, BFA, or BTECH degree who are taking at least 12 credits towards their 4-year degree can take up to 18 credits per semester and retain their TAP and other financial aid. Summer classes may also be covered. Thus, the program may have NO cost for most students. Students can also complete the B-Minor with Summer Session courses, and many of the Minor requirements also fulfill other City Tech degree requirements (see below). Students should check with Financial Aid to determine their specific situation with respect to tuition and costs.
The Core - 5 Required Courses:
- Accounting: ACC-1101 or ACC-1162
- Business Law (BUS-1122)
- Finance (BUS-2339) *Writing Intensive
- Macroeconomics (ECON-1101) **Pathways: US Experience in Its Diversity
- One more course from ACC, BUS, BUF, MKT, or other course from student’s department to be decided with a Business Department advisor. NO deviation from the Core is permitted without the written permission of the Business Department. Only Business Department advisors can sign your Minor Declaration and/or Validation forms.
* Writing Intensive (WI) Courses in the Department of Business:
- Business Management (BUS-2425)
- Financial Management (BUS-2339)
- Financial Forecasting (BUS-2341)
- Introduction to the Fashion Industry (BUF-1101)
- Visual Merchandising (BUF-2203)
** Pathways: US Experience in Its Diversity in the Department of Social Science:
- Macroeconomics (ECON-1101) – you get USED credit for this class!
Example 1: a student could enroll in ECON-1101 and get their Pathways/US Experience in its Diversity (USED) credit – this is something you need to do anyway, even if you decide not to complete the Business Minor.
Example 2: you could take BUS-2339 and gain Writing Intensive (WI) credit – again, something you need anyway even if you should decide not to complete the Business Minor.
You can also get credit for a course within your own major. Example 3: a Communication Design major could, with Business Department Advisor Permission, take COMD-3402 (Brand Strategy for Creatives) in lieu of the 5th required Business course.
Students who are serious about learning Accounting can take the ACC-1101/1201 sequence. This will result in taking 2 additional credits, but students will gain a much more comprehensive knowledge of Accounting. In this case, ACC-1201 will count as the 5th required course.
Other special arrangements are possible for students studying Applied Mathematics, Computer Systems, Data Science, Data Analytics in Economics, and others.
For more information, contact the program advisors: (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
- Creatives/non-STEM/Liberal Arts/Humanities/English majors: Dr. Denise Sutton DSutton@citytech.cuny.edu
- STEM/Engineering/Social Science/Science/Health majors: Dr. Lucas Bernard LBernard@citytech.cuny.edu
Descriptions of Business (ACC, BUF, BUS, and MKT) courses may be found here. A description of ECON 1101 - Macroeconomics may be found here.
When you are getting ready to graduate, you will need to complete the Business Minor Validation Form. Your Business Minor Advisor (see above) will need to sign it and you will submit it directly to the Registrar.
If you are unhappy with your TAP situation, you have to file this form: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/financial-aid/docs/TAP_APTSWaiver.pdf (Note that you do NOT give this form to the Business Department; you have to submit it as per the instructions on the form. Be sure to carefully read the instructions.) |
If you are unhappy with your Federal Financial Aid situation and want to file an appeal, you have to file this form: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/financial-aid/docs/forms/2018-19/FederalTitleIVFinancialAidEligibilityAppealForm.pdf (Note that you do NOT give this form to the Business Department, but have to submit it as per the instructions on the form. Be sure to carefully read the instructions) |
For any other issues regarding financial aid, you must contact the Financial Aid Office directly, either in person or via email to financialaid@citytech.cuny.edu. Their hours and location, along with other information and forms, may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/financial-aid/ |
Generally speaking, as long as you are currently enrolled in at least 12 credits creditable towards your BS/BA/BTECH/BFA major, Financial Aid will cover up to 18 credits. Thus, in most cases, Financial Aid will pay for Minor classes. The Provost's Office can confirm this. However, Financial Aid is complicated. You might be in a special situation where they will not pay. You will need to hear from the Financial Aid office exactly what your situation is, if they will pay or the reasons they will not pay. The Business Department has no control over Financial Aid. Please contact Financial Aid directly by sending email to FinancialAid@citytech.cuny.edu |
Claiming your Liberal Arts (LA) credits can be a tricky process. Between WAC, ID, WI, EC, MQR, College Option, etc, there are many, sometimes overlapping, rules and distribution requirements. In addition, the list of courses that meets the LA requirement at City Tech is changing all the time. Also, the way Degree Audit (DA) counts them is not the same as the way they are counted for graduation and may not even be the same on different dates, as you may have experienced. A lot depends on your major, your catalog year, other classes you have/have not taken, etc. Rarely, a course counts as LA for one student, but not for another. The same course might count as meeting the CE criterion, AND the LA and Major requirements. However, even if it is used for BOTH CE and the Major requirements, it only counts as 3 credits, NOT the 6 credits that Degree Audit, in its current incarnation, implies. As requirements, majors, etc. evolve, which LA courses count for you may change as well. Beyond these, you must also consider Advanced LA and College Option requirements. It really depends on the individual student and the program he/she is enrolled in, and the year you became a City Tech student.
General information can be found here: www.citytech.cuny.edu/advisement/gen-ed.aspx
For questions regarding your specific Liberal Arts count and/or discrepancies between what your current Degree Audit (DA) says, what previous DA say, and what you think is true, follow this procedure:
- Login to CUNYfirst and obtain/print your current Transcript (TR) and your DA.
- Find out what courses are approved. For example, the 2019 Approved LA Course List is here: www.citytech.cuny.edu/gen-ed/liberal-arts-sciences.aspx Remember, the Business Department does not control these lists nor does it administer the approval process. Prospective, new, and transfer students can find out more by sending an email inquiry to: Advisement4u@citytech.cuny.edu
- Check each class on your transcript against the approved list and circle those that you find. Note, you need not bother with courses beginning with ACC, BUF, BUS, or MKT as they are not eligible.
- Count the number of circles and multiply by 3. This is the number of LA course credits you may be able to claim. Note: some courses, e.g., MAT-1275 and BIO-1101, are 4 credit courses. If you take 3 of these, you will only need to take 19 liberal arts courses.
- If the number calculated in Step 4 agrees with what appears on your DA, then there is nothing more to do. You will need to take additional LA courses until your minimum is met.
- If this number is greater than what appears on the DA, then send a detailed explanation, along with scans of both documents, to Yelena Kirsanova in the Registrar’s Office. You can reach Registrar Kirsanova here: YKirsanova@citytech.cuny.edu
- If all of the above fails to resolve the situation, you will need to make an appointment to see the department GenEd/Pathways specialist, Dr. Denise Sutton, for further guidance. You can contact Dr. Sutton here: DSutton@citytech.cuny.edu
Note: you will not be able to meet with Dr. Sutton unless all of the previous steps (1-4) have been carried out first.
Please be sure to attach clear copies of all your documentation to your emails.
Note: If you are a transfer student, then sometimes LA course taken at another institution are transferred into categories that City Tech does not designate as LA. For example, a Psychology course that is not offered here may be transferred as ELEC-1000 since there is no directly equivalent course. ELEC-1000 masks the underlying status, and so it may not be added to the count. We can fix this: if you feel you have non-credited LA courses from your prior institution, you should see your academic advisor.
Please let your academic advisor know how it works out.
Fashion Snoops Database
- A fashion forecasting and trend analysis service.
- Covers runway, trade show, and retail scenes.
- Includes in-depth analysis on upcoming trends in design themes, colors, key bodies, graphics, and more.
- Useful for trend direction, retail strategy, and brand and product development.
- International in scope.
Career Information
City Tech’s Vision Care Technology (VCT) degree program is committed to offering cutting-edge technology to meet the current and future needs of the ophthalmic profession.
VCT encompasses three core professions within eye care, along with ancillary branches. Each profession involves specific duties and requires a specific level of education. “The 3 O's” are:
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry
- Opticianry (Ophthalmic Dispensing)
Ophthalmologist (MD)
The ophthalmologist is a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) whose specialty is the eye. The ophthalmologist (MD) examines the eye, diagnoses and treats ocular diseases using surgery or drugs, and refracts the eye. There are also ophthalmological surgeons who perform everything from corneal transplants to cataract removal to laser-based treatment of diabetic retinopathy and narrow angle glaucoma.
Optometrist (OD)
The optometrist is a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) who is licensed to provide primary eye care services. An optometrist examines for, diagnoses and non-surgically treats many eye diseases. Optometrists also diagnose and prescribe optical corrections such as glasses or contact lenses for visual conditions and defects. They also test for glaucoma and other diseases of the eye.
Optician / Ophthalmic Dispenser
The optician analyzes and interprets prescriptions, measures, adapts, selects and fits eyeglasses and contact lenses for the correction of visual and ocular anomalies
An optician / ophthalmic dispenser must:
- possess the academic, technical, and clinical skills to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of an eye care professional.
- function well in a variety of eye care work environments.
- communicate clearly both in written and oral presentation.
- understand the ethical responsibilities and implications of one’s work and personal actions.
- apply problem-solving techniques in the workplace.
- protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
A licensed optician can specialize in many aspects of vision care technology, leading to a variety of professions:
- Vision Care Technologist
- Contact Lens Practitioner
- Laboratory Fabrication Optician
- Optical Industry Business Professional
- Luxury Eyewear and Sun Wear Dispensing
- Targeted (Niche) Market Dispensing Optician
Optical Industry Business Professional
The vision care industry is worldwide and needs sales, management, service, and consulting personnel. An associate degree in VCT will be invaluable in obtaining these business positions; it assures potential employers that a candidate is familiar with the optical industry.
Vision Care Technologist
The vision care technologist is a licensed optician who can assist specialists of ophthalmology and optometry to provide a full scope of vision care services. They are likely to work in medical settings, e.g., a medical office or clinic. These eye care professionals’ responsibilities will likely include obtaining medical histories from patients, administering diagnostic tests, performing patient testing utilizing computerized and automated technology, and assisting in specialized pre and post-surgical care. The vision care technologist must be very personable, comfortable with cutting edge technology, and appreciative of the professionalism expected in a medical setting.
Certified Contact Lens Practitioner
The licensed contact lens practitioner evaluates the patient and selects the proper contact lens modality to correct visual weaknesses and ocular diseases of the eye, as prescribed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Many opticians specialize in contact lenses, while others incorporate contact lens fitting into a general practice of vision care. Possible specialties of the contact lens practitioner include pediatrics, prosthetics, and rigid gas-permeable lenses. Fitting contact lenses requires considerable skill, care, and patience. Skills required for contact lens fitting include a comprehensive knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eye, and of specialized instruments and procedures. Additional certification is needed to fit contact lenses in New York State.
Laboratory Fabrication Optician
The laboratory optician fabricates the prescription, specifies stock selection of lenses and frames, formulates lens specifications, and performs all technical functions in the making of eyewear. The laboratory optician, also called an ophthalmic laboratory technician, usually has little contact with the public. He or she still needs to possess the managerial and communication skills expected of a dispensing optician. He or she needs to have supervisory ability to work with personnel on the sales floor and in the wholesale laboratory.
Targeted Market Dispensing Optician
Some dispensing opticians exclusively service specific markets for optical products. There are many interesting and lucrative markets. Examples include luxury eyewear, sun wear, sports and athletic eyewear, occupational and safety glasses, pediatrics, and geriatric and low vision optical aids. Specialized Dispensing Opticians should enjoy working within their chosen market and have the requisite technical knowledge to understand and provide for their patient’s optical needs.
Additional Career Opportunities include:
- Manager of Ophthalmology Practice/Clinic
- Manager of Optometry Practice/Clinic
- Independent Owner of a Retail Optical Store
- Manager of Retail Optical Store
- Manufacturer’s Representative
- Ophthalmic Educator
- Ophthalmic Salesperson
- Contact Lens Salesperson
- Wholesale Laboratory Manager
- Laboratory Fabrication Technician
BA/BS & Transfer Opportunities include:
- City Tech’s BS program in the Business & Technology of Fashion
- CUNY BA/BS program – Business/Health Care Management
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Services Administration
- Pre-Optometry
NOTE: VCT recently merged with the Department of Business; this provides management, finance, marketing, sales, and fashion foundations for those students interested in the business of vision care. A 4-year Bachelor’s degree in the Business of Vision Care is currently under development.
To learn more about continuing your education at The City University of New York (CUNY), look at CUNY'S online Transfer Information and Program Planning System (CUNY TIPPS) at the following website: www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/registrar/resources/evaluate-my-transfer-credit/ |
For questions about ID, please first visit the ID Information page here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/gen-ed/interdisciplinary.aspx. If you still have questions, please contact our Department ID Coordinator, Prof. Denise Sutton, at DSutton@citytech.cuny.edu |
For questions regarding WI courses and credit, please visit this page http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/gen-ed/writing-intensive.aspx. If you still have questions, please contact our WI Coordinator, Prof. Nazanin Hedayat Munroe, at NMunroe@citytech.cuny.edu |
Information about Degree Requirement, including GenEd and Pathways details may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/gen-ed/. ALSO, please consult the College Catalog in effect during the year you first entered City Tech http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/academics/academic-catalog.aspx AND/OR your Department Advisor: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/business/docs/who_is_my_advisor.pdf [Note that for some college policies, only the most current catalog applies.] |
For questions about the Fashion programs and Internships, please contact our Department Fashion Director, Prof. Alyssa Adomaitis, at AAdomaitis@citytech.cuny.edu [Note that the Business Department does NOT currently offer any Internships outside of the Fashion program.] |
For questions about the Accounting and Marketing programs, please see one of the Department Advisors. Their contact information may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/business/docs/who_is_my_advisor.pdf |
If you have already spoken with your instructor and with the Department Chair and still wish to file a Grade Appeal, you have to file this form: www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/docs/forms/grade_appeal.pdf (Note that you do NOT give this form to the Business Department; submit it as per the instructions on the form. Be sure to carefully read the instructions. Download Adobe PDF Reader) |
Most issues related to Registration and Records should be addressed to the Registrar's Office. They have an extensive website here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/ Important Forms may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/important-forms.aspx |
Depending on the nature of your complaint, there are a variety of offices and procedures to be aware of. You can get started here: https://www.citytech.cuny.edu/current-student/complaints/ More information about filing complaints is here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/about-us/docs/student_complaint_procedure_2_07.pdf |
WN: Students may be dropped from a class and/or issued a WN if their instructor does not mark them 'present' during the first few class sessions. If this happens due to an error, the instructor should follow the instructions in Items #12, #13, and #14, under the Faculty Resources tab on the Business Department webpage. For WN grade changes, the instructor should file the appropriate forms and documents with the Business Department COA. WU grades may be appealed by filing this form: www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/docs/forms/appeal_form.pdf with the City Tech Committee on Course and Standards, as indicated on the form. This form should NOT be sent to the Business Department. WF grades have been discontinued since Winter 2020. WF issues must be addressed by contacting the Registrar's Office directly. |
The Business Department discourages impromptu visits to the dean's office. A visit to the dean is your right, but should only undertaken if you have exhausted the varying procedures listed on the Business Department webpage and/or if you have been officially referred to the dean by the Business Department. If you feel you require a meeting with the dean, please ask someone in the Business Department to complete a Student Routing Slip BEFORE you go there. You may find a blank form here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/business/docs/student_routing_slip.pdf. Of course, if you wish to complain to the dean about someone in the Business Department, you should go to the dean directly. |
For questions concerning your bill and/or refunds, please go directly to the Bursar's Office. The Business Department is not involved in student-related financial transactions of any kind. http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/bursar/ |
STUDY ABROAD information may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/study-abroad/ [Note that students should make study abroad decisions only after discussion with a departmental advisor. Departmental advisors may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/business/docs/who_is_my_advisor.pdf] |
E-PERMIT information may be found here: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/epermit.aspx |
Please visit the Office of Veterans Support Services (VSS) webpage at http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/veterans/. Information about VSS is also available by contacting Rob Timmins, VSS Coordinator, at rtimmins@citytech.cuny.edu OR by calling VSS directly at 718-260-4980. |
Read this document. |
Generally, you can apply for graduation online. Please look at this document for instructions. However, please note that City Tech offers both Associate and Baccalaureate degrees. As a result, students who are in a Bachelors degree program and want to apply for an Associates degree still need to apply in person at the Registrar's service window. |
International students' issues are handled by the International Students Office in Namm Hall, Room NG-17. All questions relating to visas, F-1/J-1 status/rules/regulations, compliance, immigration policy updates, employment options, etc. should be directed to them. You can reach them here: www.citytech.cuny.edu/international/index.aspx OR by reaching out to the International Student Advisor, Vanessa Villanueva. You can reach her by phone at 718-260-5509 or via email at vvillanueva@citytech.cuny.edu |
City Tech is committed to supporting the educational goals of students with disabilities, medical conditions, and/or health-related issues. If you have a disability, medical condition, and/or health-related issue that may qualify for reasonable accommodations and/or academic adjustments, you should contact the Student Accessibility Center (SAC) at 300 Jay Street. Room L-237; telephone: 718-260-5143; This office has drop-in Zoom sessions as specified on their website. Students may also send email to studentwellness@citytech.cuny.edu and/or visit the Student Wellness CenterStudent Wellness Center. |
The City Tech Counseling Center can offer assistance with ANY problem or situation that is interfering with your success in college. This may include family or relationship problems, financial problems, and/or confusion over major requirements or college regulations, etc. Interested students should visit the Counseling Center here: www.citytech.cuny.edu/counseling/counseling-services.aspx (No Appointment Needed) Counselors are available on a walk-in basis during their office hours. Check the Counseling Center website for walk-in hours, email addresses, locations. You may also call the center (718-260-5030) to make an appointment. Additionally, you may be eligible for the City Tech Petrie Student Emergency Grant Program. This was created to assist students coping with an unexpected hardship, so that they are able to continue their education at City Tech. The goal is to make sure that students are not forced to leave school because of emergencies beyond their control that might otherwise make it impossible for them to continue. You can find an application and more information here: www.citytech.cuny.edu/bzmaterials/docs/Petrie_Application.pdf |
Consistent with College policy, the Wellness Center maintains lactation rooms where breast milk can be expressed in private. For details on this and other issues related to health and wellness, please visit the Wellness Center: www.citytech.cuny.edu/wellness-center/ You may visit them in General Building 414 (G-414), contact them via phone: 718-260-5910, or email them at wellness@citytech.cuny.edu |
Please visit the Atrium Learning Center in Room LG-18. You can find their hours and a list of offered services here: www.citytech.cuny.edu/alc/ |
For questions about the Ophthalmic Dispensing and Vision Care Technology (VCT) programs and internships, please contact our Department VCT Director, Prof. Kimberly Strickler, at KStrickler@citytech.cuny.edu |
In order to become a Business Department major, all you need to do is fill out this form and send it to: Registrar@citytech.cuny.edu The direct link to the form is: www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/docs/forms/change_of_curriculum.pdf Once you have done this, please get in touch with an advisor to discuss your options and plan your semester. Welcome aboard! |
Students who are interested in Independent Study must first find a faculty member who is willing to supervise and assess their work. The student must complete a special form, and attach all the documentation specified on the form. The documents must be packaged together into a single PDF file. The form should serve as the cover sheet and BOTH the student and the faculty advisor must sign it. Once signed, the FACULTY SUPERVISOR should submit it to the Chairperson using their City Tech email account. The specific steps that should be followed are as follows: 1. A proposal of one or more paragraphs in length that clearly describes the intended objectives of the study, including anticipated procedures to attain those objectives. This description should be addressed to a non-specialist reader. A relevant bibliography 2. A statement clearly specifying the expected role of the faculty supervisor in this study (frequency/purpose of meetings with supervisor, anticipated laboratory, studio, or field assistance, etc.). 3. A timeline clearly outlining your (student's) obligations in this study (preparation for meetings with supervisor, paper type and length, lab notebook, portfolio or finished products, anticipated deadlines, etc.). 4. A statement clearly describing how the study will be evaluated — the assessment rubric (tests, papers, laboratory notebook, dance production or a talk, quality and quantity of art work). 5. A one-paragraph evaluation of the usefulness of the project by the faculty supervisor. 6. The signed application form submitted to the faculty supervisor for consideration by the due date (varies by term - please consult the college catalog for submission deadlines). IMPORTANT: Upon completion of the independent study, the student will present a seminar, open to the college community, along with the final report on the research. The faculty supervisor should organize and attend this seminar. |
If you need to change your current schedule and/or alter a future schedule that you have already registered for, please complete a Program Change Form. Please read and follow the instructions carefully and note that the Business Department is not involved in this procedure; you should submit this form to the Registrar's Office. |
Please visit http://it.citytech.cuny.edu and/or send email to StudentHelpDesk@citytech.cuny.edu. |
Errors & Omissions Disclaimer: We have endeavored to supply you with accurate information. However, the regulations, policies, and rules of The City University of New York (CUNY) and the New York City College of Technology (NYCCT) are complex and evolving. Therefore, the contents of this webpage are provided for informational purposes only. The information/links/forms/etc. presented here may change without notice. Thus, all are advised to double-check everything, and consult the College Catalog and/or other official CUNY/NYCCT sources of information.