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Student Complaints and Grievances

The College recognizes its responsibility to provide students with a procedure for addressing complaints about administrators and staff. Examples of these complaints might include incompetent or inefficient service, neglect of duty, or conduct unbecoming of the staff. Please note that there are College and University policies and procedures that concern ADA complaints, discrimination complaints, sexual harassment, and faculty conduct complaints.

There are several grievance procedures at the College. This page will assist you in identifying which process best fits your concerns.

Emergencies, Suspicious Activity, or Reporting a Crime

Please contact Public Safety at X5550 or 718-260-5550 or call 9-1-1 directly. For NON-emergency incidents or to report suspicious activity or a crime please contact Public Safety or visit them in Namm 109.

Academic Grade Appeal

If you would like to file a grade appeal, please review the grade appeal policy and follow the instructions listed in the college catalog.

Academic Integrity Violations

Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy and also review the college catalog

Americans with Disabilities Act

Refer to Notice of Non-Discrimination

Title IX Complaints

Refer to Notice of Non-Discrimination and the Policy on Sexual Misconduct

Harassment or Discrimination Complaints

Refer to Notice of Non-Discrimination

Non-Academic Complaints/Grievances About Enrollment and Student Affairs Offices (Registrar, Counseling, Financial Aid, etc.)

If you would like to file a complaint about an office in Student Affairs and Enrollment, please review the Grievance Procedures and the Student Affairs Grievance Form. Complete the form in the link and drop it off at N325 or N300.

Faculty Conduct in Academic Settings/Academic Concerns Other Than Grades

Please follow these steps for any complaint about faculty treatment of students in academic settings that is not covered above.

The university and college has a variety of procedures for student complaints about faculty in an academic setting. This can include, but is not limited to incompetent or inefficient service,neglect of duty, physical or mental incapacity and conduct unbecoming a member of the staff. Specific examples include Examples include chronic faculty lateness or ending class early; failure to provide a course outline; consistent absence during scheduled office hours, etc.

Seek Informal Resolution

If informal resolution is unsuccessful, complete complaint form. Formal complaints will be treated as anonymous, as appropriate.

Academic Department Offices or Resource Area

If your grievance or complaint does not fall into one of the aforementioned categories, please refer to the following offices for further guidance.

For concerns of an academic nature, please contact:

The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Namm Hall 320 (N-320)

For concerns of a non-academic nature, please contact:

The Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs
Namm Hall 300 and Namm Hall 325 (N-300 and N-325)
718-260-4999 or 718-260-5430

Additional Venues

City Tech students who have complaints that have not otherwise been resolved through contact with the college's and university's offices and departments may additionally seek resolution as follows

For a general complaint to NYSED as well as a SARA complaint to the SARA State Portal Entity (which is OCUE), under SARA policies, where resolution through City Tech channels is not achieved, students should submit complaints to CUNY's Central office before filing with NYSED. The contact information for CUNY is the Office of the General Counsel as given on the NYSED complaint webpage:

City University of New York
Office of the General Counsel
205 East 42nd St., 11th floor
New York, NY 10017:

New York State Education Department

CUNY is a New York City and State public university system, and students and parents can submit complaints through: New York State Education Department Complaint Procedures.

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

City Tech is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Students who have complaints or comments that demonstrate non-compliance with Commission accreditation standards, that have not otherwise been resolved through contact with the college's and university's offices and departments, may seek resolutions from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
1007 North Orange Street
4th Floor, MB #166
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (267) 284-5011

NC-SARA Student Complaint Process for Online Degree Programs

Under NC-SARA (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) rules, students have the right to lodge a complaint or grievance if their experience in an online program is not what they anticipate. City Tech wants to ensure that all student complaints are addressed fairly and resolved promptly. All student complaints about online programs should be filed initially at complaint form. If resolution to that complaint is not reached, NY State residents should complain to the CUNY Central Office — contact information provided on this page. For out of state students, information for further appeal can be found by visiting the NC SARA complaints page. For more information, please see the SARA Policy Manual.