Fully Integrated Resources and Services Tool
CUNYfirst Security
Access Request
In order to modify security roles for CUNYfirst, faculty and staff must review and submit the appropriate security access form. All forms must be electronically signed. (Learn how to create an electronic signature in Adobe Acrobat)
Note: In order to request the same exact security role for multiple people (more than 6), the relevant form can be submitted without the Employee Section filled in. Instead of completing this portion, an excel spreadsheet should be attached which includes the users’ First Name, Last Name, Department, Extension and EmplID (Download Excel Template). Please ensure and keep for your records the Confidentiality Statement signed by all employees that are included in this spreadsheet.
- Creating an electronic signature
- How to electronically sign a form
- Campus Solutions Access Request Form
- Campus Solutions Access Form for Additional Graduate Center Roles
- Campus Solutions Student Financials Item Type Access Request Form
- CS Reporting Access Request Form
- EAB Access Request Form
- Schedule Builder Access Request Form
- Coursedog Access Request Form
- AR/Billing Access Form (Right click on the hyperlink and select ‘Save Link as ‘ to download the form)
- Asset Management Request Form
- Cash Management Access Request Form (Right click on the hyperlink and select ‘Save Link as ‘ to download the form)
- Financials Reporting Access Request Form
- General Ledger Access Form
- Procurement Access Form (Right click on the hyperlink and select ‘Save Link as ‘ to download the form)
- Procurement P-Cards
- Procurement Supplier Contracts
- Procurement Travel & Expenses (Right click on the hyperlink and select ‘Save Link as ‘ to download the form)
Campus Solutions
Human Capital Management
Transition to Brightspace
Beginning Summer 2024 all courses will be taught on Brightspace.
Continue to Brightspace to access your course materials.
If you are attempting to access SPARC or other training, or if you are a faculty member seeking access to a Blackboard course, please proceed to Blackboard.