Fully Integrated Resources and Services Tool

CUNYfirst for Staff

Why is CUNYfirst important to me?

As an employee of City University of New York, you are assigned an EmplID. This EmplID identifies you as a CUNY employee and follows you to any CUNY College that you may be employed at.

You are assigned particular security access to CUNYfirst depending on your function and role in a specific College. For example, if you are employed at one College as an administrator and at another CUNY College as an adjunct instructor, your access to the system will reflect your job function in each of those CUNY schools.

As a staff, CUNYfirst provides tools that enable you to view your own employee information as well as access to features that may be needed for your job function.

Employee Self Service

The CUNY Employee Self Service Module enables you to:

  • View on demand, your personal information and work history.
  • Change your emergency contacts and professional memberships
  • Provide documentation to update changes and confirm current directory information such as address, marital status.