Architectural Technology

Architectural Technology Department Menu

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Find us on:


186 Jay Street
Voorhees Hall 818 (V-818)
Brooklyn, NY 11201


Phone: 718-260-5262

Meet the Chair

Sanjive Vaidya
Voorhees 818 (V-818)

Welcome to the Department of Architectural Technology.

Architecture is a multi-disciplinary profession that includes aesthetic, technical, and human considerations in the design and construction of our built environment. We offer courses that prepare students for the broad range of responsibilities represented in the field: design, construction technologies, architectural history, building systems and information modeling, codes and professional practice, site planning, sustainable design, and digital fabrication, to name a few. An architectural education is excellent preparation for the hands-on, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills that are sought by employers in any field. City Tech's Department of Architectural Technology is known for its workplace-oriented curriculum, a student-focused environment, leading edge technologies, and engagement with real-world, community service projects.

In its role as the senior college of technology in the CUNY system, City Tech offers the most accessible architectural education in the metro area, with competitive tuition and a large enrollment capacity. Our 18 full-time faculty members are practicing, licensed professionals, and our 60+ part-time instructional staff hold prominent positions in city agencies and in the region's leading private firms.

CUNY and City Tech are committed to maintaining up-to-date technologies for student use. We have state-of-the-art computer and fabrication labs with the latest software and tools utilized in the field. Our commitment was recently recognized by the National Science Foundation with a $900,000 Advanced Technology Education grant, which has supported updates to the first two years of the program to assure that digital skills are introduced early and reinforced throughout the coursework. The design/studio sequence in the third and fourth years has been recently strengthened with additional instructional time and technical content. We also offer numerous non-credit workshops to supplement classroom instruction.

Construction-related sectors of the economy have experienced healthy growth in recent years. Both the US and the NYS Departments of Labor project significantly higher than average growth rates in the architectural and construction sectors in the current decade. City Tech's Department of Architectural Technology is committed to build strong partnerships with industry. Our curriculum and electives are focused on key areas of industry need, as identified by our faculty and Advisory Board:

  • Building information modeling (BIM)
  • Sustainable ("green") technologies
  • Advanced computation and fabrication
  • Preservation and existing building technologies
  • Codes, regulations and approvals
  • Acoustics and lighting
  • Advanced construction detailing

Thank you for your interest in our programs. I hope City Tech can be part of your future success!

Sanjive Vaidya
Chair, Department of Architectural Technology