Consumer Information

General Institutional Information


New York City College of Technology is a baccalaureate and associate degree-granting institution committed to providing broad access to high quality technological and professional education for a diverse urban population. City Tech’s distinctive emphasis on applied skills and place-based learning built upon a vibrant general education foundation equips students with both problem-solving skills and an understanding of the social contexts of technology that make its graduates competitive. A multi- disciplinary approach and creative collaboration are hallmarks of the academic programs. As a community City Tech nurtures an atmosphere of inclusion, respect, and open-mindedness in which all members can flourish.

Education Goals

As a result of a City Tech education, students will:

  • Develop knowledge from a range of disciplinary perspectives, and hone the ability to deepen and continue learning.
  • Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work.
  • Work productively within and across disciplines.
  • Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, pro- fessional, civic, and cultural/global domains.

Student Diversity

Admissions Information

The total number and other data for undergraduate/graduate students, both freshmen and transfers, who applied to, were admitted by, and enrolled in the institution Fall 2022

IPEDS - Fall 2022
Men Women Another gender Total
Number of applicants 12,354 8,902 61 21,335
Number of admissions 10,081 7,315 41 17,452
Number (of admitted) that enrolled full-time 1,719 1,071 1 2,792
Number (of admitted) that enrolled part-time 136 100 0 236
Total enrolled full-time and part-time 1,855 1,171 1 3,028
Percent of admissions enrolled full-time and part-time 18 16 2 17


The percentage of first-time, full-time, degree- or certificate- seeking students enrolled at the institutions, by race and ethnic background.

Race/Ethnicity of First-Time Full-Time Degree-Seeking Freshmen in Fall 2023*
Ethnicity Percentage
American Indian or Native Alaskan 0.6%
Asian 16.6%
Black or African American 27.8%
Hispanic/Latino 42.1%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Nonresident alien 3.8%
Two or more races 1.9%
White 7.1%
Total 100.0%

*Based on self-reported data
Source: Fall 2023 data


The percentage of undergraduate students enrolled at City Tech who are formally registered with the Office of Student Support Services

Fall 2023 Disability Flag
Disability Flag Student Count Percentage
Yes 436 3.2%
No 13,331 96.8%
Grand Total 13,767 100.0%


Textbook Information

As required by law, information about required and recommended textbooks and other instructional materials, including prices to the extent possible, are posted with the online schedule of classes for the semester. The schedule and textbook prices are integrated into the student registration section of CUNYfirst, the University’s comprehensive enterprise information system. In nearly all cases, textbook information is available before early registration begins. City Tech is aggressively pursuing OER (Open Educational Resources) alternatives to textbooks in several areas.

Educational Program

Instructional Facilities

The facilities at City Tech are robust, and altogether unique, at a college where more space is devoted to specialized labs than to general purpose classrooms:

  • 207 general purpose classrooms, nearly all media-enabled "presentation rooms".
  • 61 teaching computer labs.
  • 77 specialized instruction labs.
  • 3 public computing labs available for student use, with a total of 243 computers.

Noteworthy specialized facilities:


  • Two dental hygiene labs open to the public, operated by students under faculty supervision.
  • An eyeglass clinic open to the public, operated by students under faculty supervision.
  • Restorative Dentistry labs with equipment frequently only available at the graduate level.
  • New, state-of-the-art medical imaging equipment in the Dental Hygiene Department.
  • High-tech equipment in the Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging Department, surpassing what is available in many hospitals, including sophisticated digital fluoroscopy equipment.
  • A lab of computer-simulated patients to be used by Nursing students to present symptoms they might not chance to encounter on hospital rounds. Nursing students also have access to the NYSIM Center, the leading resource for healthcare training through computer-based simulation.


  • Students in our Hospitality Management program benefit from access to state-of-the-art kitchens and culinary labs.
  • Students in our new program in Business and Technology of Fashion are trained in the use of AIMS360, a leading enterprise management system in the fashion field.

Engineering Technologies and Design

  • A Water Jet cutting lab for fabricating and cutting metals, located in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department.
  • A fabrication and modeling lab located in the Architectural Technology Department, featuring two laser cutters, and two 3D printers (one using powder, the other using plastic).
  • A mechatronics lab, where student work and instruction in robotics takes place.
  • An information security lab, where research on data security and encryption take place.
  • A specialized architecture computing lab, filled with computers loaded with advanced Building Information Modeling software.
  • The unique facilities for Entertainment Technology include one of the largest collections of state-of-the-art equipment of any technical theatre or related program. This includes six fully featured specialty labs (scene shop, lighting lab, sound/music lab, Painting lab, tangibles lab, visualization/design lab). The department also has a fully equipped theatre lab that is able to support any type of performance or exhibition-based production. Seating 208, it contains a full catwalk, light and sound booths, a complete dimmer system, and a set of chain-motor box truss systems for versatile grid deployment.

Of General Interest

  • Childcare Center for students with children – subject to space availability and means testing.
  • A Learning Center, with about 125 computers, Macs and PCs, all connecting to a wide range of supplemental instruction software. The Learning center also includes breakout rooms where tutoring takes place in the areas likely to create stumbling blocks for students.
  • Two cafeterias, one in the Namm Building and the other in the Voorhees Building, at the opposite ends of the campus


City Tech has 396 full-time faculty members, all with the appropriate terminal degree in their field. The College also employs approximately 1,100 part-time faculty. A complete listing of fulltime faculty can be found in the College catalog.

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements:

As all colleges of The City University of New York, City Tech is governed by the Transfer policy of the CUNY Board of Trustees, reproduced in its entirety below (see The college’s transfer policy is posted on the College’s website section). Operating within that policy, the goal of the College is to facilitate student success and to allow for the most rapid student progress through the transfer credit evaluation.

The college’s transfer policy is posted on the College’s website (Registrar's Office). A summary of transfer policies is also provided in the 2017-2018 College Catalog. Prospective transfer students can get an approximation of the transfer credits they can expect by using the tools found at TIPPS, the CUNY-wide website providing information on course equivalencies, articulation agreements, registered programs and transfer policies. CUNY General Education transfer policies can be found at the CUNY Manual of General Policy. Assignment of general education attributes for the CUNY-wide general education common core, "Pathways" are also described on the college’s website (Pathways).

Students transferring into City Tech benefit from more than 50 articulation agreements, which establish the beneficial terms under which students graduating from many local community college programs may enter City Tech baccalaureate programs. A list of these articulation agreements can be found by clicking here. Information on any of these articulation agreements can be obtained from the involved City Tech department. The awarding of transfer credit not covered specifically by articulation agreements or CUNY Board policy involves coordination between our New Student Advisement Center and the academic departments to be sure that students are accurately placed, and receive all appropriate credit for prior work.

Whenever possible the student is informed about transfer credit before the matriculation decision must be made. Our goal is to grant students all of the credit to which they are entitled, without programming them into classes for which they are not yet prepared. Your success is our goal! Our Transfer Center works closely with students transferring into the College. A rough approximation can be found in Evaluate My Transfer Credit in your Student Center. Additional information may be found in the City Tech catalog.

Policy Of The Board Of Trustees Of The City University Of New York On Transfer Admission And Transfer Credit

City Tech Articulation Agreements

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs:


New York City College of Technology is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, (1007 North Orange Street 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801, 267-284-5000), the Council of Standards for Human Services Education (CSHSE), the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA) and the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). In addition, programs are accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association (CODA), Commission of the American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Legal Assistants (ABA), Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology (ETAC/ABET), the Commission on Opticianry Accreditation and the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP), and department of Architectural Technology is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). The Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York grants professional licensure/certificates to qualified candidates.

New York City College of Technology has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the State educational requirements for licensure or certification for any state outside of New York.

MSCHE Accreditation Letter


Undergraduate Certificate in Construction Management

New York City College of Technology Licensure Pass Rates

Dental Hygiene

Year # of Candidates # Of Candidates that Passed (1st attempt) Passing Rate PTCE (1st attempt) Passing Rate CSCE (1st attempt) DHNBE % Passing rate (1st attempt)
2019 62 62 100% 97% 98.4%
2020 66 66 100% 98.5% 90.8%
2021 67 64 96% 100% 90.1%
2022 47 41 78% 100% 97.5%
2023 43 37 89% 100% 89%
2024 In progress In progress 98% In progress In progress

Restorative Dentistry/Dental Lab

The National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology did not prepare a detailed performance report for August 2019 to July 2020 so there reporting for August 2019 to July 2021 covered a 2 year period.

Period # Candidates Tested # Passed # Failed Passing Rate
August 2023 - July 2024 13 9 4 69.2%
August 2022 - July 2023 25 11 14 44%
August 2021 - July 2022 22 8 14 36.3%
August 2019 - July 2021 50 19 31 38.0%
August 2018 - July 2019 27 20 7 74.1%
August 2017 - July 2018 46 38 8 82.6%
August 2016 - July 2017 36 21 15 58.3%

Radiologic Technology

American Registry of Radiologic Technologist (ARRT)

Year Number of Candidates Number of Candidates Passed Passing Rate
2015 52 49 94%
2016 61 61 100%
2017 58 54 93%
2018 53 52 98%
2019 51 49 96%
2020 56 54 96%
2021 62 51 82%
2022 52 45 87%

Program Effectiveness Date: Program Date

Ophthalmic Dispensing

Program Outcomes

The following tables indicate how many New York College of Technology's Vision Care Technician/Opticianry students found jobs, graduated, and passed board exams since 2018.

Graduation Year # Incoming Students # Graduating/Percent # Employed in VCT/Present
2019 Students 38 29/76% 26/90%
2020 Students 36 31/87% 28/91%
2021 Students 29 17/59% 16/94%
2022 Students 22 19/86% 18/95%
2023 Students 29 24/83% 22/92%

American Board of Opticianry (ABO) Pass Rates

Class # Sat for Exam # Passing # Percent Passing
2017 25 21 84%
2018 22 20 91%
2019 25 22 88%
2020 33 29 88%
2021 14 13 92.9%
2022 14 14 100%
2023 19 17 89%

National Contact Lens Registry Examination (NCLE) Pass Rates

Class # Sat for Exam # Passing # Percent Passing
2017 14 10 72%
2018 19 17 88%
2019 4 3 75%
2020 1 0 0%
2021 2 2 100%
2022 1 0 0%
2023 2 2 100%

New York State Board of Opticianry Licensure Examination (ABO and NCLE certifications are required)

Year # of Graduates # Sat for Exam # Passing # Percent Passing
2017 32 17 16 94%
2018 29 17 12 71%
2019 29 9 6 67%
2020 31 13 6 46%
2021 17 15 14 93.3%
2022 24 17 17 100%

Percent of Students Passing American Board of Opticianry (ABO) and National Contact Lens Registry Examination (NCLE) certifications

  2017 (2015-2016) 2018 (2016-2017) 2019 (2017-2018) 2020 (2018-2020) 2021 (2019-2021) 2022 (2020-2022)
ABO 84% 91% 88% 88% 93% 100%
NCLE 72% 88% 75% 0% 100% 0%

2021 - 2023 Reporting Year

Graduated the program 24/29
Graduated and who are working in the field 22/24

National Council Licensing Exam - Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN)

Year Number of Candidates Number of Candidates Passed Passing Rate
2015 70 54 77.1%
2016 72 63 87.5%
2017 97 89 91.5%
2018 77 74 96.1%
2019 88 84 95.5%
2020 58 55 94.8%
2021 155 127 81.9%
2022 125 81 64.8%
2023 131 108 82.4%



Exam Year # Students Program Pass Rate
CQST Not required
EAS 2019 3 100%
EAS 2020 4 100%
EAS 2021 3 100%
CST 2019 3 100%
CST 2020 2 50%
CST 2021 5 60%
edTPA 2019 4 100%
edTPA 2020 0 Not required
edTPA 2021 0 Not required


Exam Year # Students Program Pass Rate
CQST 2019 4 50%
CQST 2020 4 100%
CQST 2021 1 100%
EAS 2019 3 33%
EAS 2020 1 100%
EAS 2021 2 50%

Mathematics Education

Exam Year # Students Program Pass Rate
EAS 2019 11 55%
EAS 2020 2 50%
EAS 2021 7 58%
EAS 2022 8 63%
EAS 2023 3 100%
CST 2019 5 40%
CST 2020 2 50%
CST 2021 5 60%
edTPA 2019 3 33%
edTPA 2020 5 80%
edTPA 2021 1 0%

Computer Use and File Sharing:

The colleges of The City University of New York are respectful of their responsibilities in regard to copyrighted materials, intellectual property, and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In each case, appropriate enforcement mechanisms and penalties for violation are carefully spelled out.

Copyright Infringement-Policies and Sanctions

Computer Use Policy

Terms of Computer Use, Including Copyright and Digital Millenium

File Sharing and Copyrighted Material

Student Activities

Career and Job Placement Services

Teacher Preparation Program Report

Student Financial Assistance

Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations:

The Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended (HEA) suspends aid eligibility for students who have been convicted under federal or state law of the sale or possession of drugs, if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, and/or work-study). If the student has lost federal student aid eligibility due to a drug conviction, the student can regain eligibility if he passes two unannounced drug tests conducted by a drug rehabilitation program that complies with criteria established by the U.S. Department of Education.

A student subject to an involuntary civil commitment after completing a period of incarceration for a forcible or non-forcible sexual offense is ineligible to receive a Federal Pell grant.

Even if the student is ineligible for federal aid, the student should complete the FAFSA because the student may be eligible for nonfederal aid from states and private institutions. If the student regains eligibility during the award year, the student should notify his financial aid administrator immediately. If the student is convicted of a drug-related offense after he submits the FAFSA, he might lose eligibility for federal student aid, and might be liable for returning any financial aid he received during the period of ineligibility.

Student Loan Information

Loan Default Information:

Students at New York City College of Technology/CUNY are eligible for subsidized and unsubsidized loans through the William D. Ford Federal Loan Program. The loan default rate of the most recent cohort 24 months after graduation was 5.5%.

Initial Loan Counseling for Student Borrowers:

All first time Direct Loan applicants or any student who has not completed a loan entrance counseling session online, must do so before the actual loan can be processed. If the student completed an online session for another college, then the student must add New York City College of Technology to his or her school list and bring a copy of the confirmation page to the Financial Aid Office. To access the loan entrance counseling session, the student should go to

Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers:

Upon leaving school, or enrolling in less than 6 credits per semester, federal regulations require that the student participate in an exit counseling session at This session is designed to provide the student with information regarding rights and responsibilities with regard to loan repayment, which include but are not limited to grace period, loan terms and conditions, where to send payment, payment options, conditions to defer repayment and what happens when the student's loan goes into default. To get an idea of what the repayment schedule might be, the student can get customized estimates by using the online repayment calculators at Direct Loans on the web at

Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans

Preferred Lender Lists:

New York City College of Technology, as all of the campuses of The City University of New York, does not provide preference to any lender.

Preferred Lender Arrangements:

New York City College of Technology, as all of the campuses of The City University of New York, does not provide preference to any lender.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Vaccination Policies

Immunization Clinics

Public Safety

Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics, and Crime Log

Fire Safety Policies

Student Outcomes


Degrees and Certificates Awarded During the 2022-2023 Academic Year
  Jun-1 Sept-1 Feb-1 AY Total
AA 8 9 13 30
AAS 127 312 442 881
AS 48 71 111 230
B ARCH 15 15
B TECH 73 263 373 709
BFA 3 32 59 94
BS 33 134 202 369
BSED 1 3 3 7
CERT1 2 1 3
Total 293 826 1,219 2,338

Student Right-to-Know Act

Transfer-out Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act)

Graduation Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid (Student Right-to-Know Act):
New York City College of Technology awards no athletically related financial assistance.

Transfer-out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid (Student Right-to-Know Act):
New York City College of Technology awards no athletically related financial assistance.

Job-Placement Rates for Graduates

Continuing Education: A City Tech survey of graduates in the class of 2023 suggests that 73% of students plan to continue education.

Employment: 55.2% of students were employed at the end of the academic year in which their degree was conferred.
31.7% Full Time and 23.5% Part Time

Other Important Information

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act):

New York City College of Technology does not presently participate in intercollegiate athletics.

Voter Registration

Helping Students Succeed

City Tech maintains a full palate of supports to help students succeed. The New Student Center advises and registers all students in their first semester at the College. They also provide assistance to new students in understanding policies and procedures at the College. The large majority of students require financial assistance, and the City Tech Financial Aid office maintains a special service office that can provide students with assistance in filing their FAFSA and making any necessary corrections.

The College conducts small orientation sessions to inform students and parents of the steps in the path towards complete and successful enrollment throughout the process.

Students at the College must, by law, be immunized against a range of contagious diseases. Students can take advantage of immunization clinics at the College where, at no charge, any unmet immunization requirements can be satisfied.

The Counseling Services Center provides a wide range of individual and group support services, designed to help students succeed in college. Students can get help in managing the college system and obtain support in the areas of academic, personal and career development. A series of student development workshops are offered on topics such as time management, career decision making, test taking strategies and motivation. In addition crisis counseling and community referrals are available to students who are experiencing more severe personal problems.

City Tech students who are veterans of the US military are encouraged to participate in activities and services available to them through the Office of Veterans Support Services. Veterans can receive help with academic advisement and college information. A weekly “Boots to Books” support group helps veterans acclimate to college/civilian life by connecting with other veterans and learning about community resources. The office also provides regular programing to educate the college community about Veteran needs. Additional information at

The Library staff provide all new students with workshops on research and library usage and offer classes and presentations on academic uses of digital technology. Students can also receive assistance with other sorts of computer-related issues from the Help Desk run by the Computer Services office. Large, open labs with computers and printers, are available for student use.

The Center for Student Accessibility offers a wide range of services to students with disabilities, including adaptive equipment, untimed testing environments, signing for hearing-impaired students, and all of the other services commonly understood as "reasonable accommodation." All students with disabilities are mainstreamed, and offered every opportunity to succeed. See

The College offers a learning center, where study support, tutoring and supplemental instruction are provided. In any given semester, over 40% of the students at the College will take advantage of the learning centers. A number of academic departments also offer tutoring and other forms of academic support. Additional information at

For over 20 years, the College has utilized an early warning system. Faculty identify students in academic difficulty, and the appropriate support office reaches out to the identified students.

Every faculty member offers office hours. Faculty can be called upon for course-related advice and can be especially helpful to a student struggling to succeed. The faculty member teaching a course should be the first stop for a student experiencing academic difficulty.

Finally, our Professional Development Center provides assistance in securing part-time employment while the student is in college, and proactive services in resume writing, preparation for interviews and other skills useful in securing employment. Alumni can (and do) take advantage of these services also. Additional information at

Looking Forward: New Majors for a New World

“Where can technology take you?”

For City Tech graduates, it takes them to careers beyond today's imagination. Founded in 1946 to help meet the need for professionals with sophisticated skills, New York City College of Technology - City Tech - is the home of over 17,000 degree-seeking students, and serves another 16,000 people through its Continuing Education offerings. Through its Schools of Technology and Design, Professional Studies, and Arts and Sciences, City Tech offers 28 baccalaureate and 27 associate degrees - many unique within CUNY, and some representing the only programs of their kind in the Northeast. The National Science Foundation consistently ranks City Tech as one of the nation's largest producers of science and technology graduates from under-represented minorities.

New York’s changing economy depends upon applications of new technologies, science and engineering - areas of study central to City Tech's offerings. The academic programs of the College prepare the well-educated, technologically sophisticated workforce needed to keep New York competitive globally. City Tech's highly regarded healthcare programs provide cutting edge preparation for students in digital medical imaging and restorative dentistry, and the exposure to simulations and computer-based diagnostic tools now employed in nursing. Programs in computer fields, the engineering technologies, industrial design, technology teacher education, and the college’s widely celebrated hospitality management offerings support core sectors of New York’s economy. Architectural technology, construction management and civil engineering technology, environmental control technology, and facilities management programs all integrate sustainable and green technologies.

To fulfill its mission and to meet its obligations to its students, City Tech pays constant attention to technological advances and new workforce needs, both to keep current programs at the cutting edge and to develop new programs to meet new needs. One new bachelor’s degree program in emerging media technologies prepares graduates for careers requiring a highly media-fluent workforce able to address tomorrow’s industrial and business needs and shape new lifestyles, helping graduates to enter professional areas that demand competence in digital technologies. Our newest program, a bachelor’s degree program in the Business and Technology of Fashion, addresses the high-tech needs of one of the core industries of New York.

Our healthcare system and the people it serves have rising needs that require advanced skills. Accordingly, City Tech's program in nursing has been expanded to include a BS. in nursing, to strengthen the cadre of nurses with administrative and analytical skills. Our associate degree program in radiologic technology and medical imaging now leads students directly into our bachelor of science in radiologic sciences, preparing students for careers in management, with research skills and with a background in rapidly advancing areas of digital imagery. Similarly, the bachelor's degree in health services administration will serve the need for administrators with IT and analytic skills, and training in management. A very popular program in Mechanical Engineering Technology will provide the skills required in an age of global industrial competition, a world powered by robotics and advanced industrial design revolutionizing manufacturing. Our rapidly expanding bachelor of science in biomedical informatics prepares students in fields that stand at the intersection of IT and medicine. A BS program in professional and technical writing allows students to combine writing skills with technological expertise, to enter the rapidly expanding field of technical writing. On the near horizon are dramatically expanded offerings in manufacturing and in green technologies.

So, “Where can technology take you?” Maybe it is better to ask, “Where do you want to go?” We can help you get there.

Economic Mobility

Advancing toward a productive and satisfying career is an important part of what every college student has the right to expect. City Tech is proud and pleased with the performance of our graduates. Many go on to distinguished and publicly visible careers, ranging from a former head of the New York State Economic Development Corporation to the executive pastry chef at the White House. But beyond those star turns are the numbers. In recent years, associate degree students have ranked third in the nation in mid-career salary, according to PayScale, a company that studies compensation. Even more impressive, the big-data study led by the distinguished economist Raj Chetty of Stanford University listed City Tech fifth among 359 public universities and ninth among the over 2,100 colleges and universities studied, in the number of its students who advance two income quintiles or more above their starting point. City Tech can prepare you for a lifetime of learning and a world-beater career, in a world increasingly defined by technological competence.