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- HRA Fellowship Program
- Program Orientation/Events
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300 Jay Street
General Building, Room: G-503
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: cunyedge@citytech.cuny.edu
Phone: (718) 260-5187
Monday, Tusday, Thursday, and Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Monday and Friday
By appointment only
Click here for Zoom LinkMeeting ID: 486 743 7570
Passcode: 081316
HRA Fellowship Program
HRA Fellowship Program
- The HRA Fellowship Program provides paid work opportunities for eligible CUNY EDGE students.
- The Fellowship Program supports CUNY EDGE students with meeting HRA compliance requirements while providing valuable work experience and income.
- HRA determines eligibility and the number of hours per week the student will be assigned.
- CUNY EDGE identifies and develops placement sites on campus and in the local community.
- Students assigned to the HRA Fellowship Program are matched to work sites taking into consideration the student’ s academic major, career interests and skills.
- Eligible students must complete a mandatory introductory orientation and three professional development seminars.
For additional information, please click here to visit HRA Fellowship Program resources site page.
How can I join the HRA Fellowship Program?
- You must be a matriculated CUNY EDGE Student
- Get your HRA-154 Form, completed by the CUNY EDGE Office - G503
- Submit the completed HRA-154 Letter to: HRA TAG (Training
Assessment Group)
Location: 109 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
TAG determines your eligibility partly based on:
- The number of hours reflected on your HRA-154 Letter
- Your individual case type
TAG will assign the total number of weekly hours you may work
- TAG refers all eligible students to attend the CUNY EDGE mandatory introductory orientation and three professional development seminars
- Attend a Payroll Orientation
- Start HRA Fellowship placement site process
Transition to Brightspace
Beginning Summer 2024 all courses will be taught on Brightspace.
Continue to Brightspace to access your course materials.
If you are attempting to access SPARC or other training, or if you are a faculty member seeking access to a Blackboard course, please proceed to Blackboard.