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Sustainability at City Tech

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City Tech Energy Snapshot

Energy Snapshot

Campus Sustainability Mission Statement


New York City of Technology seeks to be a campus where:

  • All students, faculty and staff are provided opportunities to understand the economic, societal and cultural aspects of the environment.
  • Such opportunities are made available through degree programs, as well as professional-specialization, faculty development and staff training centered on sustainability.
  • Faculty and student research on sustainable technologies is encouraged and supported.
  • Development of university leadership, expertise, and initiatives contribute to citywide sustainability efforts outlined in PlaNYC.
  • Links are fostered with other institutions throughout the CUNY system to meet Mayor Bloomberg’s ’30 in 10’ University challenge.
  • Understanding and concern for issues regarding sustainability provide a foundation for campus cohesion and a common community culture.
  • The college’s practices reduce emissions and the consumption of both resources and energy to the lowest possible levels, without detracting from the level of education, scholarly work, and services provided.


We, the New York City College of Technology community, affirm our commitment to protect and enhance the environment through our learning, research, service and administrative operations. We seek to foster a community that sustains ecological systems and educates for environmental awareness, local action, and global thinking. We seek to incorporate environmental principles and environmentally responsible practices as fundamental and integrated components of all City Tech operations and programs. Our fundamental principles are to:

  • Incorporate environmental concerns as a significant priority in university decision-making.
  • Seek alternative practices and procedures to minimize negative impacts on the environment.
  • Conserve natural resources and restore environmental quality.
  • Consider the social, economic and environmental impacts of New York City College of Technology's operational policies and foster a participatory process in developing these policies.

Our decisions and actions will be guided by the college’s Mission Statement, reflective of the college’s resources, and informed by the college’s Strategic Plan. As a learning institution, we recognize that planning for sustainability will be an evolving practice.

History of Sustainability at New York City College of Technology