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Purchasing Office

Procurement Policy & Procedures


Please make sure your requisition status is "Approved and Budget Valid" before requesting a Purchase Order (PO) status update from the Purchasing Department.

You can check your requisition status in Manage Requisitions on CUNYfirst.

If you need CUNYfirst Training or direction, please contact Mary Hanson.

Please always include your Requisition #/PO # in the Subject line of your Email to Purchasing.

Procurement Policy 2021

Vendors are informed that if they continue to provide goods/services without receiving an authorized PO FIRST, they may not be paid.

Departments are also HEREIN notified.

Campus Community (internal) Info

CUNYfirst Tax-Levy Procurement


Training & Queries:


Non-Tax Levy Procurement


Informal Purchases:

Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Software


To qualify for the COTS Software Purchasing Process:

  1. Software must require minimal customization and be installed and run on a CUNY-owned or -managed computer (e.g., desktop, laptop, tablet, server, or mobile device)
  2. Software must be a new* purchase with a total aggregate value of $0 - $20,000. If this purchase includes renewal terms, the total aggregate value may not exceed $49,999 and renewals cannot exceed a five-year term.
  3. The purchase must be made with tax levy funds.

*A new purchase is the purchase of a product that your college has never: 1) purchased previously, regardless of source of funds; and 2) used under the terms of a trial offer. This process also excludes purchases of new releases or version of a previously purchased product.


Procurements made as COTS Software Purchases are still subject to all other CUNY procurement and legal policies.