300 Jay Street
Namm Hall 109 (N-109)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-260-5550
Use the Fire Alarm Pull Box. Fire Alarm Pull Boxes can be found next to fire stairs and elevators and dial 5555 (Public Safety) or 9-911
Remember the following:
If you or someone else is on fire – Stop, Drop and Roll
Be prepared:
Special Fire Safety Instructions for Faculty/Staff
Faculty members in class should make themselves aware, each semester, of the nearest Fire Exit for each classroom in which they hold a class.
If a fire, smoke or other imminent emergency condition exists while a faculty member is conducting class, the faculty member should direct the students to the nearest Fire Exit, assuring that all students have evacuated before following.
In fire/smoke conditions, it is the responsibility of all faculty and staff members to assist Fire Wardens in the evacuation of students by directing them to the nearest Fire Exit.
Beginning Summer 2024 all courses will be taught on Brightspace.
Continue to Brightspace to access your course materials.
If you are attempting to access SPARC or other training, or if you are a faculty member seeking access to a Blackboard course, please proceed to Blackboard.