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Welcome to the Department of Mathematics

If you have questions regarding Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or Mathematics Education programs, or are a student at City Tech and have general questions about mathematics classes, please fill out the pre-advisement form.

An advisor will reach out via email.

If you are not a student at City Tech please contact the Admissions Office.

Mathematics is the language of science and technology. It is the language used to translate real world problems into a form in which a solution can be found. It is the goal of the department to provide all students with the mathematical foundation they need for their careers and for lifelong learning.

The mathematics department offers a full range of courses, from non-credit classes for students whose mathematics preparation is insufficient for credit-level work to those designed for students in all degree programs at the college. The mathematics department also offers three degree programs, an associate degree program (AS) in Computer Science, a baccalaureate degree program (BS) in applied mathematics and a baccalaureate degree program (BS) in mathematics education.

The computer science associate degree program provides students with the frst two years of study leading to a baccalaureate degree in computer science, computer information science, computer systems technology, computer engineering technology or applied mathematics. Computer science is an excellent feld of study for those seeking career opportunities in the worlds of business, education, government and industry.

The applied mathematics baccalaureate degree program is a practical degree for students with an interest in mathematics. In the 21st century information is a resource. Our Applied Mathematics majors learn to process data and create valuable information. An applied mathematics degree is quite versatile. Our majors learn techniques for analyzing big data, such as from social media and finance, and small data, such as from a clinical trial for a new medication. Our program consists of a math core, free electives and two internships. These internships are crucial for employment after graduation. For more information on what our majors do for internships, please see Student Success. Please also see Applied Mathematics-Science - BS for degree requirements and samples of how to complete the degree in 8 semesters.

The mathematics education baccalaureate degree program is designed for students who wish to teach mathematics in middle school or high school. The program provides students with a strong mathematics background as well as the education courses that are required for teaching certifcation.

Employers value computer science and mathematics graduates, not just for their specifc technical skills, but for the broad analytic and problem-solving abilities that are developed in the study of these subjects. Both computer science and mathematics programs feature internship opportunities, where students can earn credits while working for an actual real world employer. There are also opportunities to work with faculty on research projects, attend seminars, present at conferences, and engage in social activities with other students with similar interests through the student run math club. Special scholarship programs are available for qualifed students, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and other organizations.