300 Jay Street
Namm Hall 220 (N-220)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: HospitalityMgmt@citytech.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-260-5630
The Council of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (CHRIE) established a committee to explore the feasibility of accrediting hospitality programs. Underwritten by a grant from the National Restaurant Association and funding from the Darden Group a study was conducted on the benefits of accreditation for Hospitality and Tourism Programs. The committee spent several years researching and developing the guidelines that would become the basis for establishing hospitality accreditation.
International CHRIE then recommended that two accrediting bodies be created to recognize and accredit programs at the baccalaureate level (ACPHA) and at the associate's degree (CAHM).
In 1989 The Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration" (ACPHA) was formed and in 1994, The Commission on Accreditation for Hospitality Management" (CAHM) was established. The two Commissions were officially merged in 2008, choosing Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA) as the official name.
ACPHA Common Program Learning Outcomes
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