Social Science

Social Science Menu


300 Jay Street
Namm Hall 611 (N-611)
Brooklyn, NY 11201


Phone: 718-260-5080

Administrative Assistant
Budwattie Ramlall


Human Services/AAS

Data Analytics in Economics/BS

The field of Data Analytics with an application in Economics is in strong demand and continues to grow as the volume of data rapidly expands. This program includes core applied courses in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Systems Technology.

Psychology - minor

Psychology - Minor

The range of topics offered by completing an academic minor in psychology not only provides insights into understanding human behavior, but also adds breath and depth to a student's academic major. Since the minor in psychology can readily be adapted to fit almost any degree, it can work well with many of the programs offered at City Tech without compromising any need to take major-related required courses.

Environmental Studies - Minor

Environmental Studies - Minor

Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary minor that includes courses across several disciplines and departments, including Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Architecture, . It explores the relationship of individuals, communities and societies to the natural environment. The minor offers the opportunity to study and evaluate sustainable policies and practices relating to resource allocation, economic and social development, energy sources, food systems, and building design and construction practices. Courses also explore and the connection of these topics to the understanding of climate change.

History - Minor

History - Minor

This 15-credit academic minor is designed to provide the skills necessary to conduct effective historical inquiry and master the basic elements of historiographical argumentation and research.