
Services We Offer

What is Individual Counseling?

Counselors provide academic, career and personal counseling to help students succeed in college. Meeting with a counselor in their office, students are encouraged to talk about any problem or situation in their life that is interfering with their success in college. This may include family or relationship problems, financial problems and confusion over major requirements or college regulations. Counseling sessions may take one or more meetings with a counselor to review concerns and explore possible resolutions. We do not offer on campus psychiatric services or long-term psychotherapy, however we can help you find services in the community that can help you with almost any need.

What is Crisis Counseling?

Sometimes students can become so overwhelmed by life that they see no possible resolution. Fear of failure, problems with relationships, family, finances, medical, legal or academics can lead to excessive stress and anxiety. On rare occasions, students may feel so depressed that they think about hurting themselves or someone else. During these times, class performance may suffer and some may consider dropping out of college. If this describes you, you may need the help of a crisis counselor. Crisis counselors are trained to deal with students under stress. They offer insight into personal problems that might seem overwhelming. As a result of talking to one of our crisis counselors you may end up feeling better about yourself and your situation and obtain the resources you need to live a better life.


The Counseling Services Center offers free, weekly student development workshops known as Staying On Track. Our goal is to help students become better prepared for college work and address career goals along with some of the difficulties that could arise during your enrollment. Please review our Group Workshops and Webinars tab for a more detailed description of our offerings.

Please contact us if you are interested in any of our services and would like to schedule an appointment. Please note: we do not offer on campus psychiatric services or long-term psychotherapy however we may refer students who need more in depth psychological mental health services to local services.