A Message from the Vice President for Administration and Finance

VP for Administration and Finance
The goals of the several offices in Administration and Finance are to provide a safe and well maintained campus, to facilitate the business transactions of the College, to manage and constantly improve City Tech's electronic resources, to build and renovate where resources permit and needs demand, and to assist the various constituencies of the College in planning for a successful future. Our mission includes ensuring that all operations contribute to the attainment of the college's and the University's mission, goals and targets.
We strive constantly to provide effective and efficient service to the College. Where we miss this target, we appreciate your feedback to allow us to make appropriate adjustments.
On the previous page are the offices included within Administration and Finance. These links will lead to you to specific information about the vital administrative and financial functions provided to the College. Any of these offices will be glad to provide additional information if the web information fails to answer your questions. The College asks, "Where can technology take you?" We would add, "Let us help you get there."
Miguel Cairol, Ph.D.
Vice President for Administration and Finance