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Writing Intensive Courses Archive

    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations HD72
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature OL72
    AFR 2212 Modern African Literature OL01
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature OL87
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D465, D466, D467, E465, OL03
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D649, D650, D652, E472
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D035, D039, D040, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, D060, D061, E150, E151, HD37, HE50, W054, W057, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3302 Microbiology D062, D065, D066, D068, D070, D071, D073, D074, D075, D076, D078, D081, D178, E080, E082, E084, E174, E176, HD86
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics l HE84, OL80
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI HD42, HE40
    BIO 4150 Computational Genomics HE67, HE68
    BIO 4350 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD01, HE02
    BIO 4550 Biomedical Informatics Colloquium HD61
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL84, OL83, OL85, OL86, OL87
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL86, OL85, OL87, OL88, OL89
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D010, OL11, OL12
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D016, OL15
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media HD35
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL65
    BUS 2339 Financial Management HD46, HD48, HD51, OL49, OL50
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL54
    BUS 2425 Business Management HD56, HD57, OL50, OL52, OL53, OL54, OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students HE62
    EDU 3670 Methods of Literacy Instruction in Teacher Education D374
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D021, D023, D024, D027
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D031, D032
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D041, D042
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry:Thermodynamics and Kinetics OL55, OL56, OL57
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D073, D074
    CHEM 4323 Advanced Laboratory Applications of Spectroscopy D087, D089
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I HF92
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL22, OL24
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D014, D016, E080
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory D001, D005, D061
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL73, OM70, OM74
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology HD44, OL46
    CET 4864 Principles of Feedback Control Systems HD54, HE56, OL54, OL59
    EMT 1255 Electronics D450, HD34, HD36, HD38, OL50, OL54, OL56
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D010, D012, D014, D016, D018, D020, D022, E014, OL12, OL14, OL18, W010, W012, W014, W016
    CST 4702 Machine Learning Fundamentals D403
    CST 4800 Project Management D442, D444, D446, E452, W454
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD08, HD14, HE10, HE12, W013
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, D032, E031
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D041, HD42
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory E058, HD54, HE56
    CMCE 4403 Professional Practice & Ethics D400
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law HD80, HE78
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project D086, E087
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory HD02
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II D200, D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D219, D220, D221, D223, E601, E604, E605, E606, E607
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics D228, E228
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HE25
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems H41, HE40
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications HE30
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D307, D309, D310, E311, OL02, OL04, OL32
    ENG 1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing HD14
    ENG 1773ID Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity (interdisciplinary) HD11
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D340, OL33
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry HD11
    ENG 2101 English Literature II D001
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women's Studies OL52
    ENG 2170 Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood OL05
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation D101
    ENG 2201 American Literature II OL11
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture OL33
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature O565
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction OL76
    ENG 2570 Writing in the Workplace D477, D480, E482
    ENG 2575 Technical Writing D460, D464, D476, D478, D483, D485
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature OL50, OL51
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature OL25
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture O874
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D102
    ENT 4430 Project Management HD56
    MTEC 3125 Nonlinear Narrative OL40
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologie HD40
    MTEC 3501 Culmination Project Development HD50
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E077
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL62, OL63
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL50, OL55, OL56, OL58
    HSCI 3201 Health Care Policy and Management II OL44, OL47, OL49
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D402, E500
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D109, D110
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D460
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar HD60, HE50
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D490
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I HD50, OL51
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II HD62m OL64
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL88, OL89
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art OL04
    ARTH 2101ID Healing the Body: The Visual Culture of Medicine (Interdisciplinary) OL56, OL57
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design D438
    COM 2401 International Communication OL81, OL82
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication HD88
    COM 2403 Health Communication D050, D051, OL55
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication E300
    COM 2405 Principles of Persuasion D236
    COM 2406 Gender and Health Communication HD20
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication D024, OL86
    COM 3405 Public Health Campaigns OL65
    COM 3500 U.S. Health Policy and Communication Advocacy OL42
    COM 3502 Communicating Healthcare Narratives HD01
    COM 3503 Health, Media and Communication Technology OL48
    COM 4000 Health Communication Research Methods and Design OL50
    COM 4100 Senior Seminar HD60
    SPA 3301 Survey of Early Spanish Literature D335
    THE 3000ID Theatre of Law (Interdisciplinary) OL56, OL58
    COM 2401 International Communication WN01, WN05
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 1200 Legal Writing and Research D106, E108
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D107, OL18
    LAW 4703 Immigration E114
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL15
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II OL01
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL17
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age OL30, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D645, D648, D650, D652, D654, D660, E682
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D670, D674
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D750
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D888
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D992
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education D002
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D478, E480, W482
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D027, D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D405, D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D413, D414, D415, D418, D419, D423, D426, D427, D428, E422, E424, E425
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D426, D427, D428, D452, D453, D455, D457, D479, W459, W462, W463, W464, W467, W471, W473, W477, W480
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research OL22
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice IS01
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D445, D447, D595, D698, D702, D706, D708, D710, D712, D715, D719, D721, D725, D729, D731, D733, D735, D739, D741, D743, D900, D917, D923, D950, D994, E430, E434, E941, E943, E949, OL04, OL92, W440, W451
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D754, D760, D764, E458, OL56, W460
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D804, D806, D808, D813, D915, D917, E475, OL74
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D832, D834, D841, D745
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (interdisciplinary) D001, D002
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL17
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, D856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging OL22
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D327, D327, E329, HX22, HX23, W326, W328
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence OL36, OL37
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D067, HD68, OL65
    ANTH 1104 Medical Anthropology (Interdisciplinary) OL45
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) HX22, OL15
    ECON 4201 Internship/Research Project OL01
    HIS 1103 The Modern World Since 1900 DO52, OL50, OL51
    HIS 3208ID US Immigration History (Interdisciplinary) OL68, OL69
    HIS 3402ID Topics in Modern World History, 1945-Present (Interdisciplinary) OL79, OL80
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy HD06, OL10
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology HD28
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law DO39
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology DO22, D028, E012, HD22, HD26, HD28, HD30, OL14, OL16, OL18, OL82, PL84
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL33, OL35, OL78, OL86, OL90, OL92
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology OL25
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences DO82, OL78, OL80, OL81
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology HD30
    SOC 3301 The Emerging Global Society OL46
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D070, D071
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature OL50
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature OL01
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D059, D060, D062, D064, E074, OL84
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D030, D036, D040, E074
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 1101 Biology I D039
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D032, D036, D038, D040, D045, D046, D048, D052, D053, D054, D056, D057, D059, E010, E014, E016, E018, E020, HD42, HE12, W000, W002, W004, W006, W008, W009
    BIO 3302 Microbiology D064, HD62
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics l HE98, OL97
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI HD86, OL85
    BIO 4150 Computational Genomics HD00, HD01
    BIO 4350 Molecular Modeling in Biology HE80, HE85
    BIO 4550 Biomedical Informatics Colloquium OL01
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL85, OL86, OL87, OL88, OL89
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL90, OL91, OL92, OL93, OL94
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D301, D302, OL06, OL07, OL08, OL09
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D305, OL35
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media D308
    BUS 2339 Financial Management HD40, HD41, OL40, OL41, OL44
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL63
    BUS 2425 Business Management D070, HD71, OL70, OL71, OL72, OL73
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D555
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D053, D055
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D060, D061, D063
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D070, D072
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D072, OL70
    CHEM 3412 Instrumental Methods of Analysis OL76, OL77
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry D079, D080, D081
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I HF49
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL02, OL15
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D014, D016, D081, E080
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory D001, D061, D064
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD92, HD93
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology HD81, HD85, OL86
    CET 4864 Principles of Feedback Control Systems HD 90, OL93, OL95
    EMT 1255 Electronics HD14, HD16, HD26, HD28, OL38, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D011, D012, D014, D016, D018, D020, D022, E014, OL13, OL12, OL14, W010, W012, W014, W016
    CST 4800 Project Management D442, D444, D446, E452, W454
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD08, HD14, HE18, HE20
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, E036, HD37
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics HD33, OL35
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory E056, HD50, HE57
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project D082, E084
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental HygieneCare I D010, D011, D012, D013, D014, D015, D016, D017, D018, D019, E022, E023, E024, E025
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics HD30, HE32
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HD57, HE55
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems HE64
    TCET 2202 Data Communication Systems IS02
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications HE40
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D005, D021, O108, OL03, OL07, OL20
    ENG 1773ID Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity (Interdisciplinary) HD50
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction HD25, O126, OL25
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry O338, OL37
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers D101
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies OL38
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation D540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I OL41
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature OL49, OL51
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction HD11
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D001
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature OL14, OL15
    ENG 3770 Advanced Professional Writing HD45
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing D055
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D001, D002, OL04
    ENT 4430 Project Management D254, D256
    MTEC 3125 Nonlinear Narrative OL40
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologies HD40
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D073, D074
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E002
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL64
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL45, OL54, OL55
    HSCI 3201 Health Care Policy and Management II OL37, OL39
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D404, D406, E601
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D451, D452, D553, E551
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, E366
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar HD20, HD30, HE40
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I OL50, OL56
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II OL60, OL62
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I OL86, OL87
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL91, OL94
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art OL10
    ARTH 2101ID Healing the Body: The Visual Culture of Medicine (Interdisciplinary) OL30, OL40
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design OL32
    COM 2401 International Communication OL02, OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL03
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL55, OL56, OL57
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL15
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication D004
    COM 2405 Principles of Persuasion HD01
    COM 2406 Gender and Health Communication HD09
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL96, OL98
    COM 3402 Communicating in Multicultural Healthcare Settings HD95
    COM 3404 Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication OL99
    COM 3500 U.S. Health Policy and Communication Advocacy OL40
    COM 3502 Communicating Healthcare Narratives OL42
    COM 4000 Health Communication Research Methods and Design OL39
    COM 4100 Senior Seminar OL22
    LATS 2204 Latin American Fashion and Culture OL10
    SPA 3302 Survey of Modern Spanish Literature D332
    THE 3000ID Theatre of Law (Interdisciplinary) OL50, OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 1200 Legal Writing and Research D027, E028
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation OL83
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL80
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E085
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II OL01
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL98, OL99
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age OL50, OL51
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D038 D040, D041, D044, D046, D049, D054, D057, E093, W095
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D050, D054, OL96
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D045
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D075
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I — Optimization D076
    MEDU 3001 Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics OL25
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E473, W194
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D242, E530
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D405, D407, D409, D410, D411, D412, D413, D414, D415, D417, D419, D434, D450, D457, D463, D434, W420, W432
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D426, D427, D428, D4565, D457, D460, D470, E461, W450, W456, W464, W465, W466, W474, W484, W494, W495
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice HD49
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D000, D001, D003, D005, D011, D013, d015, D017, D056, D058, D060, D062, D064, D068, D071, D082, D074, D076, D078, D082, D083, D085, D087, D089, D091, D093, D097, D100, D900, D901, D902, D903, D963, E933, OL20, OL22, OL50, W028, W043
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D018, D021, D031, D033, D037, D039, D041, D042, D043, D047, D928, OL15, OL30, OL52
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D052, D054, D058, D065, D067, D069, E075, E077, OL02, OL73
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D076, d083
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D330, HX30
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D000, HD02, HD03
    ANTH 1104 Medical Anthropology OL01
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) OL60, OL62
    HIS 1103 The Modern World Since 1900 D085, OL92, OL94
    HIS 1503 The Modern Middle East and North Africa OL08
    HIS 3208ID US Immigration History (Interdisciplinary) HD50
    HIS 3209ID History of Technology (Interdisciplinary) D030
    HIS 3402ID Topics in Modern World History, 1945-Present (Interdisciplinary) OL06
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy HD22, OL18, OL22
    PHIL 2103 Ethics D001
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology HD46
    PHIL 2203 Health Care Ethics OL54
    PHIL 2203ID Health Care Ethics (Interdisciplinary) D050, D052
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law OL56, OL58
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology D016, HD14, HD16, HD18, OL18, OL20, OL22, OL24, OL26, OL28
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology HD66
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL36, OL38, OL40, OL42, OL48, OL50
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences D010, OL21, OL22
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology HD82
    SOC 3301 The Emerging Global Society OL97
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D316, E216, OL15, OL16
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D621, D623, E215, OL14, OL18, OL19
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL20
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising OL20
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL30
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL03
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL05
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL12, OL13
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D628, D629
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D516, D518, D630, D632
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL74, OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL91
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems PT03
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling (Interdisciplinary) D903
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction OL48, OL49, OL50
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL20
    ENG 2170ID Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood (Interdisciplinary) OL68, OL70
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature OL70
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL60
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL10, OL29
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL25
    COM 3403 Health Communication and Education OL01
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D075, E059
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D065
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D520, D660
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based E266, E267
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D980, D981
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D690, D691
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL83
    Course Title Section (s)
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) OL25
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology OL62, OL67
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL76
    PSY 2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology OL65
    PSY 3407 Psychology of Visual Perception OL70
    SOC 3302ID Environmental Sociology (Interdisciplinary) OL01, OL02
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations OL70, OL72
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature OL72
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature OL87
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D465, D466, D467, E465, OL03
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D649, D650, D652, E472
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D035, D037, D039, D040, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, D060, E150, E151, W054, W057, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3302 Microbiology HD86
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics I HD84, OL80
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD40, HD42
    BIO 4150 Computational Genomics HE67, HE68
    BIO 4350 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD01, OL01
    BIO 4550 Biomedical Informatics Colloquium HD61
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL83
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL85
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D005, OL12
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D017
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL35
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL65
    BUS 2339 Financial Management HD48, HD51, OL49, OL50
    BUS 2425 Business Management HD56, HD57, HE58, OL50, OL53, OL54, OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students HD62
    EDU 3670 Methods of Literacy Instruction in Teacher Education E374
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D140, D149, D151, D152
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D160, D163
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D173
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry:Thermodynamics and Kinetics OL80, OL82, OL83
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D185, OL84
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D312, D314
    CHEM 4323 Advanced Laboratory Applications of Spectroscopy D320, D321
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I HD92
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL96, OL98
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D014, D016, E080
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory D001, D061, E005
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD71, OL70, OL73
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology HD42, HD44, OL46
    CET 4864 Principles of Feedback Control Systems HD54, HE56, OL54, OL59
    EMT 1255 Electronics D450, D452, HD36, HD38, OL54, OL56
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D012, D014, D016, D018, D020, D022, E014, OL12, OL14, W010, W014, W016
    CST 4702 Machine Learning Fundamentals E404
    CST 4800 Project Management D442, D444, D446, E448, E452, W454
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD08, HE10, HE12, W013
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, E031, HD02, HD32
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D041, D043, HD42, OL40
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D058, HD54, HE56
    CMCE 4403 Professional Practice & Ethics D400
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law HD80, HE78
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project D086, E087
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental HygieneCare II D200, D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D219, D220, D221, D222, D223, E601, E604, E605, E606, E607
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics D228, E228
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HE25
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems HE40
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications IS20
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D307, D308, HD04, OL02
    ENG 1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing HD14
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction HD34, OL32, OL33
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies OL52
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation D101
    ENG 2201 American Literature II OL11
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction OL75
    ENG 2570 Writing in the Workplace D477, D480, E482
    ENG 2575 Technical Writing D460, D464, D471, D476, D478, D483, D485, E494
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D500, O510
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature OL80
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture O874
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D102, OL04
    ENT 4430 Project Management HD54, HD56
    MTEC 3125 Nonlinear Narrative OL40
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologies HD40
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E077
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL62
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL50, OL55, OL56, OL58
    HSCI 3201 Health Care Policy and Management II OL44, OL47
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D402, E500
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D109, D110, D114, E604
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D459, D460, DIS4
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar OL50, OL60, OL61, OL62, OL63
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D490
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I OL50, OL51
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II OL62, OL64
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL88, OL89, OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design OL38
    COM 2401 International Communication OL81, OL82
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL88, OL50
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL55
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL75
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication D300
    COM 2405 Principles of Persuasion HD15
    COM 2406 Gender and Health Communication HD20
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL24, OL86
    COM 3402 Communicating in Multicultural Healthcare Settings HD28
    COM 3403 Health Communication and Education OL32
    COM 3404 Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication OL01
    COM 3405 Public Health Campaigns HD01
    COM 3500 U.S. Health Policy and Communication Advocacy OL42
    COM 3502 Communicating Healthcare Narratives OL01
    COM 3503 Health, Media and Communication Technology OL48
    COM 4000 Health Communication Research Methods and Design OL50
    COM 4100 Senior Seminar HD54
    SPA 3301 Survey of Early Spanish Literature D335
    THE 3000ID Theatre of Law (Interdisciplinary) OL56
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 1200 Legal Writing and Research D106, E108
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D107
    LAW 4703 Immigration E114
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL15
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E116
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL17, OL18
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age OL30, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D640, D645, D646, D648, D650, D651, D652, E682
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D654, D657
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D750
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D888
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D892
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education OL01
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D478, E480, E482
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring 422, D405, D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D413, D414, D415, D418, D419, D423, W424, W425
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D449, D451, D452, D453, D455, D457, D459, D479, W462, W463, W467, W471, W473, W477
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research OL22
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D445, D447, D696, D698, D702, D706, D708, D710, D712, D715, D719, D721, D725, D729, D731, D733, D735, D739, D741, D743, D900, D917, D923, D950, D951, D994, E430, E434, E941, E943, E949, OL04, OL92, E440, E451
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D754, D760, D764, E458, OL52, OL56, W460
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D806, D808, D813, D915, D917, E475, OL02, OL74
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D834, D841, D945, OL32
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL17
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, E856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging OL22, OL23
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D325, D326, D327, HX22, HX23, W328
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence HD34, HD36
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D067, OL65
    ANTH 1104 Medical Anthropology (Interdisciplinary) OL45
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) HD22, OL10, OL15
    HIS 1103 The Modern World Since 1900 DO52, OL50, OL51
    HIS 1503 The Modern Middle East and North Africa OL01
    HIS 3208ID US Immigration History HD68
    HIS 3209 History of Technology DO70
    HIS 3402ID Topics in Modern World History, 1945-Present (Interdisciplinary) OL76
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology HD28
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law OL38
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology DO22, DO23, EO12, HD22, HD31, OL14, OL16
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology HD26, HD70
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology HD02, HD33, HD44, OL72, OL78, OL80, OL84, OL86, OL90
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences DO82, OL78, OL80, OL81
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology HD30
    SOC 3301 The Emerging Global Society OL46
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations OL70, OL71
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature OL50
    AFR 2222 Current Caribbean Literature OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D059, D060, D062, D064, E074, OL84
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D030, D036, D040, E074
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 1101 Biology I D039
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D032, D036, D038, D040, D045, D046, D048, D052, D053, D054, D056, D057, D059, E010, E012, E014, E016, E018, E020, HD42, W000, W002, W004, w006, W008
    BIO 3302 Microbiology D064, HD62
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics l HD98, OL97
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI HD86, OL85
    BIO 4350 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD80, HE85
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL85
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D301, D302, OL06, OL08
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D305
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media D308
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL40, OL41, OL42, OL43, OL44
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting HD61
    BUS 2425 Business Management D070, HD71, OL70, ol71, OL72
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D555
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students HE50
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D050, D053, D055, D057
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D060, D061, E068, E069
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D070, D072
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D072, OL70
    CHEM 3412 Instrumental Methods of Analysis OL76, OL77
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry D079, D080, D081
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D076, D077
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I D049
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL02, OL15
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D014, D016, E080
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory D001, D061, D064
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD90, HD92, UD93, HE94
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology HD81, HD85, OL86
    CET 4864 Principles of Feedback Control Systems HD90, OL93, OL95
    EMT 1255 Electronics HD14, HD16, HD20, HD22, HD26, HD28, OL38, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D012, D013, D014, D015, D016, D017, E014, OL50, OL60, W009, W010, W012
    CST 4800 Project Management D430, D432, D434, D436, E414, E416, E418, W406
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD08, HD14, HE18, HE20
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, E036
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics HD33, OL35
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory HD50, HD54, HE56
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project D082, E084
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental HygieneCare I D010, D011, D012, D013, D014, D015, D016, D017, D018, D019, E022, E023, E024, E025
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics HD30, HD32
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HE55
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems OL64
    TCET 2202 Data Communication Systems D001
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications HE40
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D005, D021, HD03, HD07, OL20
    ENG 1773ID Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity (Interdisciplinary) D150
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction O525, OL25
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL31
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL37
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies O538
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation D540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I OL41
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture O100
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I D150
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D049, OL51
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D001
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature O015, OL14
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture O628
    ENG 3770 Advanced Professional Writing D045
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing D055
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology HD00, HD02, OL04
    ENT 4430 Project Management HD54, HD56
    MTEC 3125 Nonlinear Narrative OL40
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologies HD40
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D073
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL64, OL67
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL45, OL48, OL54, OL55
    HSCI 3201 Health Care Policy and Management II HE37
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D404, D406, E500
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D451, D452, D551, OL48
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, DIS1
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D477, OL70, OL72, OL76
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D050, OL55, OL56
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II E062, OL60, OL67
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I OL86, OL87, OL90
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL91, OL93, OL94
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography D404
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art OL10
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design OL32
    COM 2401 International Communication OL02, OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL03
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL55, OL56, OL57
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL15
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication OL04
    COM 2405 Principles of Persuasion HD01
    COM 2406 Gender and Health Communication HD09
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL96, OL98
    COM 3402 Communicating in Multicultural Healthcare Settings HD95
    COM 3403 Health Communication and Education HD55
    COM 3404 Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication OL99
    COM 3405 Public Health Campaigns HD99
    COM 3500 U.S. Health Policy and Communication Advocacy OL40
    COM 3502 Communicating Healthcare Narratives OL42
    COM 3503 Health, Media and Communication Technology OL75
    COM 4000 Health Communication Research Methods and Design OL39, HD22
    SPA 3302 Survey of Modern Spanish Literature OL32
    THE 2280ID History of the Theatre: Stages & Technology (Interdisciplinary) D477
    THE 3000ID Theatre of Law (Interdisciplinary) HD50, HE55
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II D027
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation OL83
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL77, OL80
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research OL85
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL98, OL99
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age D052, HD50, OL51
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D038, D040, D041, D044, D046, D049, D054, D057, E093, W095
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D050, D054, E095
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D045
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D075
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling — Optimization D076
    MEDU 3002 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics OL25
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E473, W194
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D242, E530
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D407, D409, D410, D411, D412, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419, D420, D432, D434, D450, D457, D463, HD06
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D445, D445, D456, D457, D460, D470, E461, HD46, HD50, W450, W456, W457, W461, W464, W465, W466, W470. W474, W484, W494, W495
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research OL17
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice D049
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D000, D001, D003, D005, D011, D013, D015, D017, D050, D056, D058, D060, D062, D064, D068, D071, D072, D074, D076, D078, D082, D083, D085, D087, D089, D091, D093, D097, D100, OL20, OL22, OL33, OL64, W028, W043
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D015, D018, D021, D031, D033, D037, D039, D041, D042, D043, E052, OL28, OL30, OL47
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D052, D054, D058, D065, D067, D069, E073, E075
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D076, D083, E090, E093
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (Interdisciplinary) D050, D052
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D010
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D000, OL02, OL03
    ANTH 1104 Medical Anthropology (Interdisciplinary) OL01
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) HD70, OL62
    HIS 3208ID US Immigration History HD50, HD51
    HIS 3209ID History of Technology (Interdisciplinary) D030
    HIS 3402ID Topics in Modern World History, 1945-Present (Interdisciplinary) HD07, HE34
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy HD22, OL18, OL64, OL65
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology HD46
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law OL94, OL96
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology HD14, HD20, HD22, HE11, OL19, OL20, OL23, OL31
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology HD66
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL36, OL37, OL38, OL72, OL82, OL84, OL86
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences D010, OL15, OL20, OL21, OL22
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology HD82
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL45m OL46
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL14, OL15, OL18, OL19, OL21, OL23
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL90
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry OL70
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL57
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL10
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL76
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL60
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL15
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL63
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL04, OL05
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL24, OL25
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I OL16, OL17
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II OL27, OL28
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL74, OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory OL35
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling (Interdisciplinary) OL10
    CST 4800 Project Management OL60
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory HD10
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental HygieneCare II HD10, HD11, HD12, HD13, HD20, HD21, HD22, HS23, HD30, HD31, HD32, HD33, OL20, OL21
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction OL47
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL60
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL20
    ENG 2170ID Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood (Interdisciplinary) OL68, OL84
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature OL84
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL60
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL10, OL29
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL25
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I OL75, OL59
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II OL65
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project HD67
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based OL30, OL32, OL60, OL61
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based OL26, OL27
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based OL90, OL91
    Course Title Section (s)
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL76
    PSY 2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology OL78, OL79
    PSY 3407 Psychology of Visual Perception OL67
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations OL70, OL72
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature OL72
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature OL87
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present E146, HD08, HD10, HD12
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D649, D650, D352, HE64
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, D060, E150, E151, OL35, OL37, OL39, OL40, OL41, OL50, OL54, OL57, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics l HE84, OL80
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI HD42, OL40, OL44, OL46
    BIO 4150 Computational Genomics OL67, OL658
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL83
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL85
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E280
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D005, OL12
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising OL17
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media E035
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL65
    BUS 2339 Financial Management HD48, HD51, OL49, OL50
    BUS 2425 Business Management HD54, HD55, HD56, HD57, HE55, HE58, OL50, OL53
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students HD62
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D140, D149, D151, E233, HD44, OL30
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D160, D163, D165
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry:Thermodynamics and Kinetics D182, OL80
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D185, OL84
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D312, HD10
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I D192
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL96, OL98
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D013, D016, HD10, OL08
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory HE67, OL69
    COMD 3507 Creative Project Management HD73
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD71, HD73, HE74, OL70, OL72
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology HD42, HD44, OL46
    EMT 1255 Electronics D440, D446, D450, D452, HD36, HD38, OL54, OL56
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D522, HD13, HD18, HD19, HD20, HD35, HE30, HW08, OL12, OL16
    CST 4800 Project Management HD90, HD92, HD94, HD95, HE95, HE96, HE98, HW99
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD08, HE10, HE12, W013
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, HE31
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D041, OL40
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory HD54, HD58, HE56
    CMCE 4403 Professional Practice & Ethics D400
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law HE78, HE80
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project E087, HD86
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental HygieneCare II D200, D210, D211, D212, D215, D216, D217, D218, E601, E604, E605, E606
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics D228, E228
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HE25
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems HE40
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications HE80
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1133 Specialized Communications for Technology Students D222
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D304, D307, HD06, OL02
    ENG 1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing OL14
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction OL32, OL33, OL34
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL42
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL43
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies D351, OL52
    ENG 2190 Expressions of Identity: Representations of Gender and Space in Literature D354
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature OL65, OL68
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction OL75
    ENG 2570 Writing in the Workplace D477, D480, D482
    ENG 2575 Technical Writing D460, D432, D464, D470, D471, D472, D476, D478, D483, D485, D494
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D500, E510
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology HD00, OL04
    ENT 4430 Project Management HD54, HD56
    MTEC 3125 Nonlinear Narrative OL40
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologies OL45
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE62, OL64, WH65
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics HE58, OL50, OL55, OL56
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D402, OL01
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D109, D114, E604, OL10
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace OL59, OL60
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar OL50, OL60, OL61
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I OL50, OL51
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II OL62, OL63, OL64
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL88, OL89, OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography D404
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design OL38
    COM 2401 International Communication OL81, OL82
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II OL30, OL34
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation OL36, OL38
    LAW 4703 Immigration OL75
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL78
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research OL86
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL94, OL96
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age HD30, OL30
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D644, D645, D648, D650, E682, OL46, OL51, OL52, W684
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D654, OL55
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D750, D758
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D888
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D892
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D478, E480, W482
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D405, D409, D410, D411, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419, HD07
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D449, D453, D454, D455, D457, D458, D459, D463, D464, D465, D466, D468, D479, E490, E491, HD48, HD60, E462, E417, E472, E473, E477
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E709
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice E663
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D696, D698, D702, D706, D708, D710, D712, D715, D719, D721, D725, D729, D731, D733, D735, D739, D741, D743, E430, E434, E445, E447, OL00, OL04, OL17, OL23, OL41, OL43, OL49, OL92, OL94, W440, W451
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D754, D760, D762, D764, E458, OL52, OL56, W460
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D806, D808, D813, E475, OL02, OL15, OL17, OL74
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D834, D841, OL32, OL45
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL17
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, D856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging HE22
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D325, D326, D327, HD22, HD23, W328
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence D334, HD36
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion OL65, OL67
    ANTH 1104 OL45
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) OL10, OL15
    HIS 1103 OL50
    HIS 2708ID OL70
    HIS 3208ID HD68
    HIS 3209 History of Technology OL70
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology OL28
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law OL38
    PSY 1101 HD22, HD31, HD48, OL18
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology OL26, OL70
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL44, OL45, OL72, OL78, OL80, OL86
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences OL78, OL79, OL80
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology OL30
    Course Title Section (s)
    THE 3000ID /LAW 3000ID Theatre of Law HD50, HE55
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication HD83, OL88
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL50, OL55, OL60, OL65
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL70, OL75
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL24
    COM 3402 Communicating in Multicultural Healthcare Settings HD28
    COM 3403 Health Communication and Education OL32
    COM 3500 U.S. Health Policy and Communication Advocacy OL42
    COM 3503 Health, Media and Communication Technology OL48
    COM 4000 Health Communication Research Methods and Design OL50
    COM 4100 Senior Seminar HD54
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations OL70, OL71
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature OL50
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present HD59, HD60, HD62, HD64, HE74, HW84
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture HD36, HD40, HE74
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 1101 Biology I OL39
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL00, OL02, OL04, OL06, OL08, OL10, OL12, OL14, OL16, OL18, OL20, OL32, OL36, OL38, OL40, OL42, OL45, OL46, OL47, OL48, OL52, OL53, OL54, OL56, OL57, OL59
    BIO 3302 Microbiology OL64
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics I OL90, OL92, OL97, OL98
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II OL85, OL86
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL85
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry HD01, HD03, HD04, OL05, OL06, OL08
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising HD10
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL50
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL40, OL41, OL42, OL43, OL44
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL61
    BUS 2425 Business Management HD51, OL40, OL43, OL46, OL48, OL49, OL50
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL50, OL53, OL55, OL57, OL60, OL61
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I OL61, OL68, OL69
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II HD70, OL72
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry OL70, OL72
    CHEM 3412 Instrumental Methods of Analysis OL76, OL77
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry OL79, OL80, OL81
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I HD49
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL02, OL15
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building OL85
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations HD05, OL07, OL09, OL15
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory HD01, HE05, OL02, OL08
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL92, OL93, OL94
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology OL81, OL85
    EMT 1255 Electronics HD22, HD26, HD58, OL14, OL16, OL20, OL38, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems LC67, OL50, OL57, OL58, OL59, OL60, OL63, OL66, OL72, OL73, OL74, OL75
    CST 4800 Project Management HE78, HW80, OL71, OL72, OL73, OL75, OL76, OL77
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD08, HD14, HD18, HE20
    CMCE 1222 Surveying I HD21, HD23, HW25
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory HD25, HD30, HE36
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics HD37, HE39, OL33, OL35
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory HD50, HE54, HE56
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law OL70, OL71, HD82, HE84
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental HygieneCare I D012, D013, D014, D015, E023, E024, OL10, OL20
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics HD30, HE32
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HE55
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems OL64
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications OL40
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing OL03, OL05, OL07, OL20
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction O525, O530, O535, OL21, OL25, OL28
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL31
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL37
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers OL55
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies O538
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation O540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I OL41
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I OL50
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature O550, O552, OL48, OL50
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing OL01
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature OL14
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture O628
    ENG 3770 Advanced Professional Writing OL45
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology OL02, OL03, OL07
    ENT 4430 Project Management OL83, OL85
    MTEC 3125 Nonlinear Narrative OL37
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologies OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II HD73, HE75
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL64, OL66
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL45
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management LC02, OL04, OL06, OL08
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations HD49, HD56, OL48, OL54, OL59
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace OL65, OL66, OL68
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar OL65, OL70, OL72, OL74, OL76
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems OL85
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Field Practicum I OL50, OL55, OL56
    HUS 2405 Field Practicum II OL60, OL62, OL67
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I OL86, OL87, OL90
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL91, OL93
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography OL94
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art OL08, OL10
    COM 2401 International Communication OL02, OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL02
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL55, OL56, OL57
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL13, OL15, OL17
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication OL04
    COM 2406 Gender and Health Communication OL09
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL96, OL98
    COM 3500 U.S. Health Policy and Communication Advocacy OL70
    COM 3503 Health, Media and Communication Technology OL75
    THE/LAW 3000ID Theatre of Law OL85, OL87
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II  OL27, OL29
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation OL36, OL83
    LAW/THE 3000ID Theatre of Law OL85, OL87
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL77, OL80
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research OL85
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II OL85
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL98, OL99
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age OL50, OL51
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I OL38, OL40, OL41, OL44, OL46, OL49, OL54, OL57, OL93, OL95
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II OL50, OL54, OL95
    MAT 2571 Introduction to Proofs OL70
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I OL45, OL50
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II OL75
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I - Optimization OL76
    MEDU 1021 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers OL25
    MEDU 3001 Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials OL80, OL87, OL90, OL94
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project HD42, HE53
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D410, D411, D412, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419, D420, D430, D432, D434, HD06, HD07, HD09
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D456, D457, D459, D460, D461, D464, D470, D474, JD45, HD46, HD50, W450, W456, W457, W461, W465, W470, W484, W494
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research OL17, OL18
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice OL49
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based OL00, OL01, OL03, OL05, OL07, OL11, OL13, OL15, OL17, OL20, OL22, OL28, OL33, OL35, OL43, OL50, OL52, OL56, OL58, OL60, OL62, OL64, OL68, OL70, OL71, OL72, OL74, OL76, OL78, OL81, OL82, OL83, OL85, OL87, OL89, OL91, OL93, OL95, OL97, OL99
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based OL15, OL18, OL21, OL25, OL28, OL30, OL31, OL33, OL35, OL37, OL39, OL41, OL42, OL43, OL47, OL52, OL61
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based OL50, OL52, OL54, OL58, OL63, OL65, OL67, OL69, OL73, OL75
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based OL76, OL83, OL90, OL93
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (Interdisciplinary) OL50, OL52
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion OL00, OL03
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) OL62, OL65
    GOV 1102 State and Local Government OL76
    HIS 1110 US History to 1865 OL87
    HIS 1503 The Modern World Since 1900 OL15
    HIS 3208ID US Immigration History (Interdisciplinary) OL50
    HIS 3209ID History of Technology (Interdisciplinary) OL30
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy OL64
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology OL46
    PHIL 2203ID Health Care Ethics (Interdisciplinary) OL82
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology OL31, OL34
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology OL66, OL80
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL36, OL37, OL38, OL72
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology OL44
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences OL10, OL15, OL20
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology OL82
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL45m, OL46
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL14, OL15, OL18, OL19, OL21, OL23
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL90
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry OL70
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL57
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL10
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL76
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL60
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL15
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL63
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL04, OL05
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL24, OL25
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I OL16, OL17
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II OL27, OL28
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL74, OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory OL35
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling (Interdisciplinary) OL10
    CST 4800 Project Management OL60
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory HD10
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental HygieneCare II HD10, HD11, HD12, HD13, HD20, HD21, HD22, HS23, HD30, HD31, HD32, HD33, OL20, OL21
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction OL47
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL60
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL20
    ENG 2170ID Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood (Interdisciplinary) OL68, OL84
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature OL84
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL60
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL10, OL29
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL25
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I OL75, OL59
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II OL65
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project HD67
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based OL30, OL32, OL60, OL61
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based OL26, OL27
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based OL90, OL91
    Course Title Section (s)
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL76
    PSY 2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology OL78, OL79
    PSY 3407 Psychology of Visual Perception OL67
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations OL69, OL71
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers in American Literature OL80
    AFR 2222 Current Caribbean Literature OL82
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature OL86
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present OL07, OL10, OL14, OL20
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture OL45, OL50, OL52, OL64
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL35, OL37, OL39, OL41, OL45, OL47, OL49, OL51, OL53, OL55, OL57, OL59, OL60, OL62, OL65, OL67, OL69, OL71, OL75, OL77, OL80, OL82, OL84, OL86
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics l OL84, OL85
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI OL86, OL87
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HE20
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL85
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL90
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry OL02, OL07
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising OL15, OL16
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL35
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL65
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL46, OL47, OL49, OL50
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL53
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL50, OL52, OL54, OL55, OL56, OL58, OL60, OL62
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students OL62
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL40, OL44, OL47, OL49, OL60, OL61
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I OL60, OL63, OL65
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II OL70, OL71, OL73
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry:Thermodynamics and Kinetics OL90, OL94
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry OL84, OL85, OL86
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography OL50, OL52
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry I OL05
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL97, OL98
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations OL08, OL14
    COMD 3504 Communication Design Theory OL10, OL12, OL40, OL42, OL44
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL92, OL94, OL96
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology OL42, OL44, OL46
    EMT 1255 Electronics HD46, HD50, HD52, OL36, OL38, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems LC13, OL08, OL10, OL14, OL18, OL19, OL20, OL26, ol35, OL40, OL50
    CST 4800 Project Management OL03, OL05, OL10, OL15, OL20, OL25, OL30, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics OL06, OL11, OL16, OL18, OL21
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory HD28, HE30, HE35
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics OL40, OL43, OL50, OL52
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory OL00, OL03, OL06, OL09
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law OL78, OL80, OL84, OL87, OL89
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental HygieneCare I D012, D013, D014, D015, E023, E024, OL10, OL20
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics OL18, OL28
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments HE60
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems OL70
    TCET 2202 Data Communication Systems OL11
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management OL31
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing OL02, OL04, OL06, OL07, OL10
    ENG 1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing OL13
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction OL34, OL36, OL40, OL42
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL40
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL43
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers OL48
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies OL51
    ENG 2190 Expressions of Identity: Representations of Gender and Space in Literature OL54
    ENG 2201 American Literature II OL55
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture OL58
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature OL63, OL64, OL65, OL67
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction OL73, OL74
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature OL09
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology OL02, OL10
    ENT 4430 Project Management OL64, OL65
    MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Technologies OL98
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL62, OL63, OL64, OL65
    HSCI 2301 Health Dynamics OL50, OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management OL01, OL03
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations OL01, OL05, OL07, OL09, OL15, OL20
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace OL57, OL60, OL67
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar OL54, OL62, OL64, OL67, OL70
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Field Practicum I OL50, OL52, OL55
    HUS 2405 Field Practicum II OL62, OL69, OL73
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I OL84, OL86, OL88
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL88, OL90, OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography OL05
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art OL07, OL08
    COM 2401 International Communication OL81, OL82, OL83, OL84, WNO1, WNO5
    COM 2403 Health Communication OL65
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL80, OL82
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication OL90
    COM 2406 Gender and Health Communication OL45
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL84, OL86
    COM 3502 Communicating Healthcare Narratives OL50
    THE 3000ID Theatre of Law OL20
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II OL34, OL37
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation OL36, OL38
    LAW 4703 Immigration OL75
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL76, OL78
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research OL86
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II OL90
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL94, OL96
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age OL30, OL33
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I OL44, OL45, OL46, OL48, OL50, OL51, OL52, OL82, OL84
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II OL54, OL55, OL57
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I OL50, OL58
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications OL88
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II OL92
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education OL10
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials OL08, OL18, OL20, OL22
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project OL16, OL26
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D405, D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D447, D448, D449, D451, D452, D455, D457, D465, D467, D468, W459, W461, W462, W464, W471, W472, W473, W474, W475, W476
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research OL09, OL22
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice HD63, OL66
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based OL01, OL02, OL04, OL06, OL08, OL10, OL12, OL15, OL17, OL19, OL20, OL21, OL23, OL25, OL27, OL29, OL31, OL33, OL35, OL37, OL39, OL41, OL43, OL45, OL50, OL52, OL56, OL58, OL60, OL64, OL68, OL90, OL92, OL94, OL96, OL98
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based OL50, OL52, OL54, OL60, OL62, OL64, OL71, OL73, OL75, OL77, OL79, ol81, OL83, OL85, OL87, OL90, OL92, OL96, OL98
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based OL02, OL06, OL08, OL13, OL15, OL17, OL71, OL75
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based OL32, OL34, OL38, OL41, OL43, OL83
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (Interdisciplinary) OL50, OL52
    PHYS 4200 Internship/Real Research Experience OL70
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities OL54, OL59
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging OL22, OL23
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D325, D326, D327, D329, OL22, OL23
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence OL36, OL37
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion OL65, OL69
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) OL21, OL22, OL23
    GOV 1102 State and Local Government OL36
    HIS 1503 The Modern World Since 1900 OL65
    HIS 3209 History of Technology OL70
    HIS 3402ID Topics in Modern World History, 1945-Present (Interdisciplinary) OL71, OL72, OL74
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy OL72
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology OL28, OL30
    PHIL 2203 Health Care Ethics OL37, OL48
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law OL38, OL60
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology OL70, OL71
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL02, OL47, OL74, OL78, OL84
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology OL10
    PSY 2402 Psychology of Personality OL12, OL52
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences OL75, OL76, OL77
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology OL30
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations OL70, OL71
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature OL82
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion OL90
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present OL59, OL60, OL62, OL64, OL74, OL84
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture OL36, OL40, OL74
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 1101 Biology I OL39
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL00, OL02, OL04, OL06, OL08, OL10, OL12, OL14, OL16, OL18, OL20, OL32, OL36, OL38, OL40, OL42, OL45, OL46, OL47, OL48, OL52, OL53, OL54, OL56, OL57, OL59
    BIO 3302 Microbiology OL64
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics l OL95, OL96
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI OL88, OL89
    BIO 4900 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics OL80
    BIO 4910 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Information Literacy OL85
    BIO 4920 Independent Research Study in Biomedical Informatics: Guided Research OL90
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases OL99
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry OL01, OL03, OL04, OL05, OL06, OL08
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising OL10, OL20
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL50
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade OL70
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL40, OL41, OL42, OL43, OL44
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL61
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL40, OL43, OL46, OL48, OL49, OL50, OL51
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics OL55
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL50, OL53, OL55, OL57, OL60, OL61
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I OL58, OL61, OL38, OL69
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II OL70, OL72
    CHEM 3412 Instrumental Methods of Analysis OL75, OL76, OL77
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry OL79, OL80, OL81
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography OL82, OL86
    CHEM 4902 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry II HD90
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) OL02, OL15
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations OL05, OL07, OL09, OL15
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL92, OL93
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology OL81, OL83, OL85
    EMT 1255 Electronics OL14, OL16, OL18, OL20, OL22, OL24, OL26, OL28, OL38, OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems OL56, OL58, OL60, OL62, OL63, OL66, OL67, OL72, OL73, OL74, OL75
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling OL16
    CST 4800 Project Management OL72, OL73, OL75, OL76, OL77, OL78, OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics OL08, OL14, OL18, OL20
    CMCE 1222 Surveying l OL21, OL23, OL25
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory OL25, OL28, OL30, OL36
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics OL33, OL35, OL37, OL39
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory OL50, OL52, OL54, OL56
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law OL70, OL71
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project OL82, OL84
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics OL30, OL32
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments OL50, OL55
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems OL64
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing OL03, OL05, OL20
    ENG 1143 Writing for the Stage and Screen OL08
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction O525, O530, L21, OL25
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL31
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL37
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies O538
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation O540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I O545, OL41
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I OL48
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature O551, O552, OL48, OL50
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction O557
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing OL01
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature OL14
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature O618
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture O628
    ENG 3770 Advanced Professional Writing OL45
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology OL02, OL03, OL05, OL07
    ENT 4430 Project Management OL83, OL85
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II OL63, OL65
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building OL75
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II OL64, OL66
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods OL90, OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management LCO2, OL04, OL06, OL08, OL10
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations OL48, OL49, OL50, OL54, OL56, OL59
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace OL62, OL65, OL66, OL68
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar OL65, OL70, OL72, OL73, OL74, OL76
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems OL85
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Field Practicum I OL50, OL52, OL55, OL56
    HUS 2405 Field Practicum II OL60, OL62, OL67
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I OL86, OL87, OL90
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL91, OL92, OL93
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art OL08
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design OL30
    COM 2401 International Communication OL02, OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL01, OL02
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) OL13, OL15
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication OL04
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication OL96, OL98
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II OL27, OL29
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation OL36, OL83
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology OL77
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research OL85
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar OL98
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age OL50, OL51
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I OL38, OL40, OL41, OL44, OL43, OL46, OL49, OL54, OL57, OL93, OL95
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II OL50, OL54, OL95
    MAT 2571 Introduction to Proofs OL70
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I OL45, OL50
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II OL75
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I - Optimization OL76
    MEDU 3002 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics OL10
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials OL80, OL87, OL90, OL94
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project OL42, OL53
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D410, D411, D412, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419, OL06, OL07, OL09
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D456, D457, D459, D460, D461, D462, D465, OL45, OL46, OL50, W455, W456, W457, W461, W465, W470
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research OL16, OL17
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice OL10, OL49
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based OL01, OL03, OL05, OL07, OL11, OL13, OL15, OL17, OL20, OL22, OL28, OL33, OL35, OL43, OL50, OL52, OL56, OL58, OL60, OL62, OL64, OL68, OL70, OL72, OL74, OL76, OL78, OL81, OL82, OL83, OL85, OL87, OL89, OL91, OL93, OL95, OL97, OL99
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based OL15, OL18, OL21, OL25, OL28, OL30, OL31, OL33, OL35, OL37, OL39, OL41, OL43, OL47, OL52, OL61
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based OL50, OL52, OL54, OL58, OL63, OL65, OL67, OL69, OL73, OL75
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based OL76, OL78, OL81, OL83, OL90, OL93
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (Interdisciplinary) OL50, OL52
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion OL00, OL02, OL03
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) OL62, OL65, OL67
    HIS 1503 The Modern World Since 1900 OL15
    HIS 3208 US Immigration History OL93
    HIS 3209ID History of Technology (Interdisciplinary) OL30
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy OL64
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology OL47
    PHIL 2203ID Health Care Ethics (Interdisciplinary) OL77
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology OL66
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL36, OL37
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology OL44
    SBS 2000 Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences OL10, OL15
    SOC 1102 Urban Sociology OL82
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present OL18
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II OL45, OL46, OL14, OL15, OL18, OL19, OL21, OL23
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media OL57
    BUS 2339 Financial Management OL76
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL78, OL60
    BUS 2425 Business Management OL15, OL63
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II OL04, OL05, OL24, OL25
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I OL16, OL17
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II OL27, OL28
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources OL74, OL80
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL10, OL29
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design OL90, OL92
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems OL90
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling OL10
    CST 4800 Project Management OL60
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction OL47
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama OL60
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry OL20
    ENG 2170ID Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood OL68, OL70
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature OL84
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I OL75, OL59
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II OL65
    MED 3910 Internship D640
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project OL67
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based OL30, OL32, OL60, ol61
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based OL26, OL27
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based OL80, OL81
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based OL90, OL91
    PHYS 4200 Physics Internship/Real Research Experience OL40
    Course Title Section (s)
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology OL74
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL76, OL77
    PSY 2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology OL78, OL79
    PSY 3407 Personnel and Organizational Psychology OL67
    SOC 3302ID Environmental Sociology OL92, OL93
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D869, D871
    AFR 2222 Current Caribbean Literature D882
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature D886
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D608, D610, D612, E146
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D649, D650, D652, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D035, D037, D039, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, D060, D062, E140, E150, E151, HD40, W144, W147, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3350 Bioinformatics I HD84, HD85
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD86, H87
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HE15
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HE20
    MED 3910 Internship D276
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E280
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D005, HD12
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D015, D016
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media E035
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade E065
    BUS 2339 Financial Management D050, HD46, HD47, OL49
    BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting OL53
    BUS 2425 Business Management D050, D052, D054, D055, D056, D057, D058, E055, E058
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics D556
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Methods & Materials for Special Needs Students HD62
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D140, D142, D144, D417, D419, D151
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D160, D163, D165
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D173, E270, E271
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics D182, D190, E275
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D184, D185, D186
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry D205
    CHEM 4902 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry II D210
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources D197, E298
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D106, D108, D110, D112, D114
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD94, HD96, HD98, HE98, HE99
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology D542, HD44, W242
    EMT 1255 Electronics D436, D468, D440, D446, D450, D452
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D508, D510, D514, D518, D519, D526, D526, D528, D535, E204, LC13, W208, W212
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling D636
    CST 4800 Project Management D795, D796, D798, E395, E396, E398. W400
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D006, D011, E006, E008
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D028, E030
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D042, D043, E040
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D056, E056, E057
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E078, E080
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project D084, E087
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory WN16
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II D200, D206, D210, D211, D212, D216, D215, D216, D217, D218, D220, D221, D222, D223, E601, E604, E605, E606, E607
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1240 Electronics D228, E228
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments E260
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems E270
    TCET 2202 Data Communication Systems D310
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications E326
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D502, D504, HD06, HD07, HD10, HD13
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D534, D538, D524, E240, HD42
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D540
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry D543
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers D548
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies D551
    ENG 2190 Expressions of Identity: Representations of Gender and Space in Literature D554
    ENG 2201 American Literature II D553, D555
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture D558
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D563, D564, HD67
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction E573
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D603
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D609
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer D611
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing E315
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D202, E200, W204
    ENT 4430 Project Management D264, D265
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HD64, HE62, HE63, WH65
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods OL93
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, D402, E501
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D100, D105, D107, D109, E600, E604
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D457, D460, E557
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D454, D462, HD60, HD62, HE64
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D392
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Field Practicum I D650, D652, E850
    HUS 2405 Field Practicum II D662, D663, E863
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I D684, D686, E886
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D688, D690, E888
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography D404
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art E407, LC16
    COM 2401 International Communication OL81, OL82
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication HD83
    COM 2403ID Health Communication (Interdisciplinary) D580, E582
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication HD90
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication HE84, HE86
    THE 2380 Play Analysis: Texts and Contexts D480
    COM 2401 International Communication WNO1, WNO3, WNO5
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II D731
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D738, E836
    LAW 4703 Immigration E875
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D778, E876
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E886
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II E890
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E894, E896
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age D930, E930
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D644, D645, D646, D648, D650, D651, D652, E582, W584
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D654, D655, D657
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D657, D658
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D688
    MAT 4880 Math Modeling II D692
    MEDU 1021 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers D700
    MEDU 3001 Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics E175
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, E478, E780, W482
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D405, D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D447, D448, D449, D452, D453, D454, D457, D458, D461, W459, W464, W471, W472
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E709, OL22
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice HD63, OL64, OL66
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D690, D692, D694, D696, D698, D700, D702, D704, D706, D708, D710, D712, D715, D717, D719, D721, D723, D725, D729, D731, D733, D735, D737, D739, D741, D743, E430, E434, E441, E443, E447, W440, W451
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D752, D754, D760, D762, D764, D771, D773, D775, D777, D779, D781, D783, D785, D787, E458, E463, W460, W469
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D802, D804, D806, D808, D811, D813, D815, D817, D819, E472, E475
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D832, D834, D836, D838, D841, D843, D845, E483
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (Interdisciplinary) D850, D852
    PHYS 4200 Physics Internship/Real Research Experience D870
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, D856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging HE22, HE23
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D322, D323, D325, D326, D327, D329
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurisprudence D336
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D665, D667
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) HD21, HD23
    HIS 1103 The Modern World Since 1900 D750
    HIS 1503 The Modern Middle East and North Africa D765
    HIS 3208 US Immigration History OL68
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy E672
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology HD28
    PHIL 2203 Health Care Ethics D648
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law D660, E638
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology HD70
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology HD80, HD86, OL44, OL45
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology D910
    PSY 2402 Psychology of Personality D912, E752
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D870, D871
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers in American Literature D873
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D890
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121 History of World Architecture to 1900 D520, D524, D526, D527, D530, D532, E112
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D598, D600, D602, D604, E140, W610
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D636, D638, E174
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312Human Anatomy and Physiology IID035, D037, D039, D040, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, D060, E140, E150, E151, W144, W147, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3350Bioinformatics lHE80, HE84
    BIO 3352Bioinformatics IIHD07, HE11
    BIO 3354Computational GenomicsHE15
    BIO 3356Molecular Modeling in Biology HD20
    MED 3910Internship/Research in Biomedical InformaticsD276
    MED 4229Healthcare DatabasesE280
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D100, D103, D104, D105, D106, OL08
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D110, E120
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media E150
    BUS 2339 Financial Management D040, HD40, HD42, HD44, OL44
    BUS 2425 Business Management D044, D045, D046, D048, D049, E046, E048
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D555
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455 Electronics E550
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D150, D153, D155, D157, E220, E221
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D158, D161, D163, E260, E261
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D172
    CHEM 3412 Instrumental Methods of Analysis D177, E276
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry D179, D180, D181
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D182, E284
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry D188
    CHEM 4902 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry II D190
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources E315, HD02
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D105, D107, D109
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD96, HD97, HD99, HE98
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology D483, HD80, HD84, W384
    EMT 1255 Electronics D414, D416, D418, D420, D422, D424, D426, D428, W338, W340
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D556, D558, D559, D562, D566, D567, D572, D575, E300, LC57, LC70, W306, W307
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling D616
    CST 4800 Project Management D772, D773, D775, E430, E431, E433, W435
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D008, D010, E008, E009
    CMCE 1222 Surveying l D021, D023, W022
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D025, D026, D027, E026
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D035, D037, D038, E036
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D050, E050, E052
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E070, E071
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project HE78, HE79
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I D200, D202, D204, D205, D206, D208, D209, D210, E600, E607, E609, E611
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics Laboratory D230, E230
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments E255
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems E264
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications E292
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management E293
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D200, E205, HD03, HD05, HD07
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D522
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D528, D530, D531, E221
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D533, D534
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry D536. HD40
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women's Studies D538
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation D540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I D541, HD44
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I D548
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D550, D551, D552, E250
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D600
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D614
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature HD16
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D618
    ENG 3770 Advanced Professional Writing D624
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D203, E202, E905, W202
    ENT 4430 Project Management D283, D285
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D065, E063
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E075
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE64, WH66
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE90, OL92, OL94
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D404, D406, E500, LC02, LC40, W504
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D448, D449, D450, D455, D456, D457, D548, E549
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, E567, E568, W570
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D470, D472, D474, E476, E571, HD70, HD73
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D652, D653, D654, E852
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D663, D664, E862
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I D686, D688, D690, W885
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D692, D693, E892
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art E408
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design W430
    COM 2401 International Communication OL02, OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication HD01, HD02
    COM 2403ID Health Communication D503, E505
    COM 2404 Interpersonal Communication HD04
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication HE96
    THE 2380 Play Analysis: Texts and Contexts D480
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II D725, D727, E826
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D736, E836
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D770
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E885
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II E888
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E898, E899
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation in the Information Age D950, E951
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2071 Introduction to Proofs and Logic D700
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D638, D640, D641, D642, D643, D645, D647, D649, E593, W595
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D646, D647, D649, E595
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D649, D650, D651
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D675
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I – Optimization D676
    MEDU 1010 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers D692
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E479
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D242, E530
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D412, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D450, D451, D454, D456, D457, D459, D460, D461, D462, W455, W456, W457, W461, W465, W470
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E716, OL17, OL18
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice HD10, OL49, OL50
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D650, D652, D656, D658, D660, D662, D664, D668, D670, D672, D674, D676, D678, D681, D682, D683, D685, D687, D689, D691, D693, D695, D697, D699, D701, D703, D705, D707, D711, D713, D715, D717, E420, E422, E433, E435, W428, W443
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D718, D722, D724, D726, D728, D730, D731, D733, D735, D737, D739, D741, D743, D747, D749, E450, E452, E461
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D750, D752, D754, D756, D758, D760, D761, D763, D765, D767, D769, D771, E468, E475
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D776, D778, D781, D783, E480, E483
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics D850, D852
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 2313 Removable Partial Dentures II D339, D341, D342
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D602, D603, D604
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics D665, D667, HD60
    HIS 1103 The Modern World Since 1900 D694, OL85
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D704
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy E664
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology HD47, HD48
    PHIL 2203ID Health Care Ethics D767, D768
    PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology HD66, HD68
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology HD75, HD80, OL36, OL37
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology E744
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II E315, E316, D618, D619, D621, D623, E214, E215
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D640
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media D550
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade E580
    BUS 2425 Business Management E150, D630
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D514, D515, D628, D629, E224, E225
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D516, D517, D518, D630, D632
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources HD74
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 1112 Digital Media Foundations D708
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD90, HD92
    Course Title Section (s)
    EMT 1255 Electronics D710, D712
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D900, 3P06, 3P11
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling D910
    CST 4800 Project Management D960
    Course Title Section (s)
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications E450
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D947, D814
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D960
    ENG 2170ID Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood D968, E970
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D980
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 4430 Project Management D600
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II HD50
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL29
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D975, D659
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D665
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D670
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D520, D532, D660, D661
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based E266, E267
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D980, D981
    Physics 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D690, D691
    PHYS 4200 Physics Internship/Real Research Experience D830
    Course Title Section (s)
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology D674
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL76, OL77
    PSY 2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology E278
    PSY 3407 Psychology of Visual Perception D570
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural RepresentationsD870, D872
    AFR 2201Early Black Writers in American LiteratureE869
    AFR 2212Modern African LiteratureD879
    AFR 2222Current Caribbean LiteratureD882
    AFR 2250Black Women in LiteratureD886
    AFR 2612Africana Philosophy and ReligionD896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 2321History of Architecture: 1900 to the PresentD608, D610, D612, E146
    ARCH 3522A History of New York City ArchitectureD649, D650, D352, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312Human Anatomy and Physiology IID035, D037, D039, D040, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, D060, E140, E150, E151, W144, W147, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3350Bioinformatics lHE80, HE84
    BIO 3352Bioinformatics IIHD07, HE11
    BIO 3354Computational GenomicsHE15
    BIO 3356Molecular Modeling in Biology HD20
    MED 3910Internship/Research in Biomedical InformaticsD276
    MED 4229Healthcare DatabasesE280
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101Introduction to the Fashion IndustryD005, D006, D010, D012
    BUF 2203Visual MerchandisingD015, E017
    BUF 3100Trend Forecasting and Social MediaE035
    BUF 4300Global Sourcing and International Retail TradeE065
    BUS 2425Business ManagementD053, D054, D055, D056, D057, D058, D059, E053, E055, E058, W060
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 2455Methods and Materials for Special Needs StudentsHD62
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210General Chemistry IID140, D142, D144, D145, D147, D149, D151, E230, E233
    CHEM 2223Organic Chemistry ID160, D163, D165
    CHEM 2323Organic Chemistry IID170, D173, D175, E270, E271
    CHEM 3222Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and KineticsD180, D182
    CHEM 3312Analytical ChemistryD184, D185
    CHEM 4901Internship/Research in Applied ChemistryD189
    CHEM 4902Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry IID195
    ESCI 2000IDEnergy ResourcesD196, E298
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111Digital Media FoundationsD302, D304, D306, D308, D311
    COMD 1112Digital Media FoundationsD106, D108, D110, D112, D114
    COMD 4900Internship in Communication Design HD94, HD96, HD98, HE98, HE99
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773Inter-networking TechnologyD542, HD44, W242
    EMT 1255ElectronicsD436, D438, D440, D446, D450, D452
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100Introduction to Computer SystemsD510, D514, D518, D519, D526, D528, D535, E204, LC13, W208, W210
    CST 1102IDProgramming Narratives: Computer Animated StorytellingD636
    CST 4800Project ManagementD795, D796, D798, E396, E398, W400
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115StaticsD006, D010, D011, E006
    CMCE 2306Materials Testing LaboratoryD028, D029, D030, D031, E030
    CMCE 2351Fluid MechanicsD041, D042, D043, D044, E040, E043
    CMCE 2456Soil Mechanics and LaboratoryD056, E056, E057
    CMCE 4700Construction LawE078, E080, E086, E087
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200Principles of Dental Hygiene Care IID200, D206, D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D220, D221, D222, E601, E604, E605, E606, E607, E608, E609
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241Electronics LaboratoryD228, E228
    EET 3122Sensors and InstrumentsE260
    EET 4102Electrical Power SystemsE270
    TCET 2202Data Communication SystemsD310
    TCET 4102Fiber-Optic CommunicationsE326
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141Creative WritingD502, D504, HD06, HD07
    ENG 1773IDWeird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity HD18
    ENG 2000Perspectives in LiteratureD528, D530, E222
    ENG 2001Introduction to Literature I FictionD534, D535, D536, D538, E240
    ENG 2002Introduction to Literature II DramaD540, D542, D546
    ENG 2003Introduction to Literature III PoetryD543, E242, HD45
    ENG 2101English Literature IID545
    ENG 2150Introduction to Women Writers D548
    ENG 2170IDIntroduction to Studies in Maleness and ManhoodE246
    ENG 2190Expressions of Identity: Representations of Gender and Space in Literature D554
    ENG 2201American Literature IID553, D554, D556, HD54
    ENG 2250Asian American Literature and CultureD558
    ENG 2301Great Works of Literature IID560
    ENG 2400Films from LiteratureD563, D564, HD67
    ENG 2420Science FictionD570, HD74
    ENG 2700Introduction to Professional and Technical WritingD600
    ENG 3401Law Through LiteratureD606
    ENG 3402Topics in LiteratureD608
    ENG 3403One Major WriterD610
    ENG 3404The Literature of Illness and Care HD12
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100Introduction to Entertainment TechnologyD200, D202, W204
    ENT 4430Project ManagementD264, D265
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520Anatomy of a BuildingE078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602Health Services Management IIHD64, HE62, HE63, WH65
    HSA 4740Health Research MethodsHD90, HE89
    HUS 2305Human Services Field Practicum ID650, D651, D652, E850
    HUS 2405Human Services Field Practicum IID662, D663, E863
    HUS 4801Professional Internship IID688, D690, E888
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101Perspectives in Hospitality ManagementD400, D402, E501
    HMGT 2305Dining Room OperationsD444, D445, D446, D447, D448, D449, E544, E545, E546, E547
    HMGT 3501Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global MarketplaceD460, D461, E557, E559, W560
    HMGT 3502Hospitality Management Research SeminarD454, D462, E550, E561, HD60, HD62, WH63
    HMGT 4990Sustainable Food SystemsD392
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100History and Appreciation of PhotographyLC04
    COM 2401International CommunicationOL81, OL82
    COM 2402Intercultural CommunicationHD83, HD88
    COM 2403Health CommunicationD580
    COM 3401Business and Professional CommunicationHE87
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307Legal Research IID730, D733, E834
    LAW 2403Legal Document PreparationD738, E836
    LAW 4703ImmigrationE875
    LAW 4704Legal TechnologyD778, E876
    LAW 4800Advanced Legal ResearchE886
    LAW 4801Internship and Seminar IIE890
    LAW 4900Senior Legal SeminarE894, E896
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201Research and Documentation in the Information AgeD930, E930
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440Discrete Structures and Algorithms ID643, D644; D645, D646, D648, D650, D651, D652, E582, W584
    MAT 2540Discrete Structures and Algorithms IID652, D654, D655, D656, E583
    MAT 2572Probability and Mathematical Statistics ID656, D657, D658
    MAT 4672Computational Statistics with ApplicationsD688
    MAT 4880Mathematical Modeling IID692
    MEDU 1021Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics TeachersD700
    MEDU 3020Methods of Teaching Secondary School MathematicsD708
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322Engineering MaterialsD178, E478, E780, W482
    MECH 4850Senior Design ProjectD226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030Foundations of CaringD405, D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419
    NUR 2110Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional NeedsD449, D450, D451, D454, D459, W470
    NUR 3130Nursing ResearchE709, OL22, OL24
    NUR 4130Professional Nursing PracticeHD63, OL64, OL65, OL66
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D692, D694, D696, D698, D700, D702, D704, D706, D708, D710, D712, D715, D717, D719, D721, D723, D725, D729, D731, D733, D735, D737, D739, D741, D743, E430, E434, E441, E443, E445, E447, E449, W440, W451
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D752, D754, D760, D762, D764, D771, D773, D775, D777, D779, D781, D783, D785, D787, E456, E458, E463, E465, W460, W469
    PHYS 1441General Physics I: Calculus BasedD802, D804, D806, D808, D811, D813, D815, D817, D819, E470, E472, E474, E475, E477
    PHYS 1442General Physics II: Calculus BasedD832, E834, E836, E838, E841, E843, E845, E480, E481, E483
    PHYS 2443Modern PhysicsD850, D852
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426Imaging ModalitiesD854, E856
    RAD 4830Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical ImagingHE22
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1216Removable Partial Dentures ID322, D323, D325, D326, D327
    RESD 2409Laboratory Operation, Ethics and JurispridenceD334, D336
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and ReligionD665, D667
    ANTH 2000Medical AnthropologyD670
    ECON 2505IDEnvironmental EconomicsHD21, HD23
    HIS 1103The Modern World Since 1900D750
    HIS 1502The Islamic Empires 1000-1800D764
    HIS 3208US Immigration HistoryHD68
    HIS 3209History of TechnologyD770
    PHIL 2101Introduction to PhilosophyE672, E674
    PHIL 2106Philosophy of TechnologyHD28
    PHIL 2203IDHealth Care EthicsD648
    PHIL 3211Philosophy of LawE638
    PSY 2300Developmental PsychologyHD70, HD72, HE26
    PSY 2301Child PsychologyHD80, HD86. OL44, OL45
    PSY 2402Psychology of PersonalityD912, E752
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105Principles of Optics ID556
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D871
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers D875
    AFR 2212 Modern African Literature D876
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature D884
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D890
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121 History of World Architecture to 1900 D520, D524, D526, D527, D530, D532, E112
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D598, D600, D602, D604, E140
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D636, D638, E174
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 1101 Biology I D939
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D032, D036, D038, D040, D042, D045, D046, D047, D048, D052, D053, D054, D056, D057, D059, E135, E137, E146, E147, E150, E152, W140, W142, W154, W155, W157
    BIO 3302 Microbiology HD64
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics lI HD88, HE89
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HE90, HE92
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD99
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D198
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E199
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D100, D103, D104, D105, D106
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising E120
    BUF 3100 Trend Forecasting and Social Media E150
    BUS 2339 Financial Management D040, HD40, HD42, HD44, HE40, OL44
    BUS 2425 Business Management D044, D046, D048, D049, D050, E046, E048, W049
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 3670 Methods of Literacy Instruction in Teacher Education E579
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D148, D150, D155, D157, E220, E221
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D158, D161, D163, E260, E261
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D172
    CHEM 3412 Instrumental Methods of Analysis D177, E276
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry D179, E281
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D182, E283
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry D188
    CHEM 4902 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry II D190
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources (Interdisciplinary) HD02
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1112 Digital Media Foundations D304, D306, D308
    CDMG 3611 Vector Art Editing D392
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD96, HD97, HD99, HE98
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology D483, HD80, HD84, W384
    EMT 1255 Electronics D416, D418, D420, D422, D424, D426, W338, W340
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D556, D558, D559, D562, D566, D567, D572, D574, D575, D576, E300, LC52, LC70, W306
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling D618
    CST 4800 Project Management D772, D773, D775, E431, E433, W435
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D008, D010, E008
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D025, D026, D027, E026
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D035, D036, D037, E036
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D050, E050, E052
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E071
    CMCE 4800 Senior Capstone Project HE78
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I D200, D202, D204, D205, D206, D208, D209, D210, E600, E607, E609, E611
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics D230, E230
    EET 3122 Sensors and Instruments E255
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems E264
    TCET 2202 Data Communication Systems D279
    TCET 4102 Fiber-Optic Communications E292
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management E293
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D200, E205, HD03, HD05
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D522, D529
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D528, D530, D531, D532, E221
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D533, E534
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry D535, E536, E222, HD40
    ENG 2100 English Literature I D538
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers D539
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women’s Studies E542
    ENG 2200 American Literature I D539, D541, HD44
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture D545
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I D548
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D550, D552, E250
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction D556
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D600
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D614
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer D617
    ENG 3404 The Literature of Illness and Care HD18
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D618
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing HD25
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D203, E202, E905, W202
    ENT 4430 Project Management D283, E285
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D065
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E075
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D404, 405, E500, LC02, LC03, W504
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D448, D449, D450, D455, D456, D457, E548, E549, E550, E551
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, E567, E568, W570
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D470, D472, D474, E476, E571, HD70, HD71, HD73
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE62, HE64, WH66
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE90, WH92
    HUS 2305 Field Practicum I D652, D654, D655, E852
    HUS 2405 Field Practicum II D662, D663, D664, E862
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D692, D693, E892
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1102 History of Western Art: Renaissance to Modern E413
    ARTH 1103 Introduction to the History of Art E408
    ARTH 3311 The History of Graphic Design W430
    COM 2401 International Communication OL02, OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication HD01, HE02
    COM 3401 Business and Professional Communication HE96, HE97
    THE 2280ID History of the Theatre: Stages and Technology (Interdisciplinary) D477
    THE 2380 Play Analysis: Texts and Contexts D480
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II D725, D727, E826
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D736, E836
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology E882
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E885
    LAW 4801 Internship and Seminar II E888
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E898, E899
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation for the Information Age D950, E951
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2071 Introduction to Proofs and Logic D638
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D638, D640, D641, D642, D643, D645, D647, D649, E593, W595
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D646, D647, D648, D649, E595
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D649, D650, D651
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D675
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I – Optimization D676
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education D690
    MEDU 3011 Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics D695
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E479
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D242, E530, E531
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 1030 Foundations of Caring D406, D407, D409, D410, D411, D412, D413, D414, D415, D417, D418, D419
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D450, D454, D456, D457, D459, D460, D462, W455, W461, W464, W465
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E716, OL17, OL18
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice HD10, OL49
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D650, D652, D656, D658, D660, D662, D664, D668, D670, D672, D674, D676, D678, D681, D683, D685, D687, D689, D391, D396, D395, D397, D399, D701, D703, D705, D707, D711, D713, D717, E420, E422, E433, E435, W428, W443
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D718, D772, D724, D726, D728, D730, D731, D733, D735, D737, D739, D741, D743, D745, D747, D74+, E450, E452, E461, W456, W467
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D750, D752, D754, D756, D758, D760, D761, D763, D765, D767, D769, D771, E468, E475
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D776, D778, D781, D783, E480, E482, E483, E485
    PHYS 2443ID Modern Physics (Interdisciplinary) D850, D852
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D602, D603, D604
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics (Interdisciplinary) D665, HD55, HD65
    HIS 1103 The Modern World Since 1900 D689, D691, D998, OL85
    HIS 1503 The Modern Middle East and North Africa D700
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D704, E654
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy E664
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology D747, D478
    PHIL 2203ID Health Care Ethics (Interdisciplinary) D760, D764
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology HD75, HD80, OL36, OL37
    PSY 2401 Social Psychology D900, E744
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics D555
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D618, D621, D623, D920, D922, E214, E215
    MED 3910 Internship D640
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D630, E150
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D514, D515, D629, E225
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D516, D631
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics HD10
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL29
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design D030
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 4800 Project Management D930
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D812, D945
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D960
    ENG 2170ID Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood (interdisciplinary) E970
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 4430 Project Management D600
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D659
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials E292
    MECH 3500 Computer Programming and Applications D796
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D660, D661, E120, E121
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based E267
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D980
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D690
    Course Title Section (s)
    PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology D674
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL76, OL77
    PSY 2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology E278
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D870, D872
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers in American Literature E872
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D874
    AFR 2212 Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222 Current Caribbean Literature D882, OL80
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121 History of Architectural Technology D530, D532, D534, D536, D540, E116
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D608, D610, D612, E146
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D650, D652, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D035, D037, D039, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, E140, E150, E151, W144, W147, W156, W157, W160, W161
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics l) HD00, HS03, HE80, HE84
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD07, HD09, HD12, HE11
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HE15, HE17
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD20, HD22
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D276
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E280
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 1101 Introduction to the Fashion Industry D005, D010
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D015
    BUF 3310 Contemporary Designers and Luxury Markets E045
    BUF 4300 Global Sourcing and International Retail Trade E065
    BUS 2425 Business Management D053, D054, D055, D056, D057, D058, E053, E055, E058, W060
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D140, D142, D144, D145, D147, D149, D151, E230, E233
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D160, D163, D165
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D173, D175, E270, E271
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics D180, E281
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D184, D185
    CHEM 4901 Internship/Research in Applied Chemistry D189
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources HD96
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111 Digital Media Foundations D302, D304, D306, D308, D311
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD94, HD96, HD98, HE98
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology HD44, W242
    EMT 1255 Electronics D440, D442, D448, D452, E440, E450, W442, W452
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D510, D513, D516, D518, D519, D521, D526, D528, D529, E206, W208
    CST 4800 Project Management D795, D796, D798, E396, E398, W400
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D006, D010, E006
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, D032, E030
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D040, D042, E040, E042
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D056, E056, E057
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E080
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D220, D221, D222, D223, E604, E605, E606, E607, E608
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing D504, E206, HD06
    ENG 1773ID Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity HD18
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D528, D530, D532, E220, E222
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D534, D536, E240
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D540, D542
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry HD04, HE48
    ENG 2101 English Literature II D546, HD20
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers D548
    ENG 2170 Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood E246
    ENG 2201 American Literature II D556, HD54
    ENG 2301 Great Works of Literature II D560, D562
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D563, D564
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction D570, D572
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D600
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D606, E310
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature D607
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer D609
    ENG 3404 The Literature of Illness and Care HE12
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D612
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D200, D202, E904
    ENT 4430 Project Management D268, D269
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE63, HE65, WH65
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE89
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, D402, E500, E501
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D444, D445, E544, E545
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D461, E557, E559, W560
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D462, E561, HD60, HD61, HD62, HE60, HE62, WH63
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D392
    Course Title Section (s)
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D650, D652, E850
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D663
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D688, D690, E888
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography D404
    COM 2401 International Communication OL81, OL82
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication HD83, HD88
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2307 Legal Research II E834
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D738, E836
    LAW 4703 Immigration E875
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D778, E876
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E886
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E894, E896
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation in the Information Age D930, E930
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D643, D644, D645, D646, D648, D650, D651, D652, E582
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D652, D653, D654, D655, E583
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D657
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D686
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D688
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D692
    MEDU 1021 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers D700
    MEDU 3020 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics D706
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, E478, E480, W482
    MECH 3500 Computer Programming and Applications D201
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D454
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E709, OL24
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice OL66
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D692, D694, D696, D698, D700, D702, D704, D706, D708, D710, D712, E430, E434, W440
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D752, D754, D760, D762, D764, E456, E458, W460
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D802, D804, D806, D808, E470, E472, E474
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D832, E834, E836, E838, E480
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, E856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging HE22
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1212 Fixed Prosthodontics II HD10
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D322, W323
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence D334, D336
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D664, D665, D666
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics HD23m HD24
    HIS 1503 The Modern Middle East and North Africa D762
    HIS 3208 US Immigration History D764
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D770
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy E672, E674
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology D628
    PHIL 3211 Philosophy of Law W696
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology HD80, HD86, OL44, OL45
    PSY 2402 Psychology of Personality D912, E752
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D556
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D873
    AFR 2212 Modern African Literature D876
    AFR 2222 Current Caribbean Literature D880
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D890
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121 History of Architectural Technology D520, D526, D530, D532, E112
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D598, D600, D602, D604, E140
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D636, D638, E174
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D032, D036, D038, D040,
    D042, D045, D046, D047,
    D048, D049, D052, D053,
    D054, D056, D057, D059,
    E135, E137, E140, E146,
    E147, E150, E152, E154,
    E155, E157
    BIO 3302 Microbiology HD64
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics l) HD80, HE86, HE88
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD84, HD86, HD88, HE89
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD92, HE90
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD79, HD99
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E199
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D044, D046, D048, D049,
    E045, E046, E047, E048,
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 3650 Mainstreaming in Career and Technology Education D368
    EDU 3670 Methods of Literacy Instruction in Teacher Education
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D148, D150, D151, D155,
    D157, E220, E221
    CHEM 2223 Organic Chemistry I D158, D160, D161, D163,
    D165, E260, E261
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D172, D173
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry E280, E281
    CHEM 4312 Instrumental Chromatography D180
    CHEM 4322 Advanced Spectroscopy D185, E290
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources HD02
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111 Digital Media Foundations D304, D306, D308, E402
    CDMG 2300 Cross Media Color Analysis D360
    CDMG 3532 Print Production for Designers D384, D387, E484
    CDMG 3611 Vector Art Editing D392
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design HD97, HD99, HE98
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology E384, HD84
    EMT 1255 Electronics D416, D418, D420, D422, D424,
    D426, E338, E340
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D556, D558, D560, D562, D566,
    D567, D572, D574, D575, D576,
    D580, D599, E300, E305, E306, E307
    CST 1102ID Introduction to Computer Systems D618
    CST 4800 Project Management D772, D773, D775, E431, E433, E435
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D008, D010, D012, E008
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D026, D027
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I D200, D202, D204, D205, D206,
    D208, D209, D210, E600, E607,
    E609, E611 7
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics Laboratory D230, E230
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems E264
    TCET 2202 Data Communication Systems D279
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management E294
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1141 Creative Writing HD04, HD05, HE30
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D520, D522, D528, D529, E218, E220
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D530, D532
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D533, D534
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry D535, D536, D537
    ENG 2100 English Literature I D538
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers D539
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women's Studies D540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I D542, E244, HD44
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I D548, E248
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D550, D551
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction D553
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D600
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature D616
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer D617
    ENG 3404 The Literature of Illness and Care HE92
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D618
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing HD25
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D202, D203, D204, E905
    ENT 4430 Project Management D282
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D065, E065
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E075
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, D402, D404, D405, E500, E504
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D448, E548, E550
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, E567, E568, E570
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D470, D472, E571, HD70, HD71,
    HD73, HD74, HE70, HE72
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D504
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE64, HE66, HE67
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE90, HE92
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D652, D654, D655, E852
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D664, E862
    HUS 4700 Professional Internship I D686, D688, E887
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D692, D693, E892
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography D400, D404
    ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History E408
    COM 2401 International Communication OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL97
    THE 2280ID History of the Theatre: Stages and Technology D477
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation in the Information Age E951
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2071 Introduction to Proofs and Logic D638
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D640, D642, D643, D645, D647, D649
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D647, E594, E595
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D651
    MAT 3021 Number Theory D674
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D675
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I – Optimization D676
    MAT 4030 History of Mathematics D682
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education D690
    MEDU 2010 Technology in Mathematics Education D692
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E479
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D242, E530
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D463, E461
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E716, E718, OL17
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D681, D683, D685, D687, D689,
    D691, D693, D697, D699, D701,
    D703, D707, D711, D713, D717,
    E431, E433, E435, E437, E439, E443
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D731, D733, D735, D737, D739,
    D741, D743, D745, D747, D749,
    E461, E467
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D761, D763, D765, D767, D769,
    D771, E475, E477, E479
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D781, D783, E483, E485
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D602, D603, D604
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics D665, HD60
    HIS 3208 US Immigration History D703
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D704, E654
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy E660, E664
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology D747, D748
    PSY 2402 Psychology of Personality E746
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D555
    Course Title Section (s)
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D640
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management E150, D630
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D514, D515, D629, E225
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D631
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 4900 Media Management Internship E052
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems 2P01, 2P02
    CST 4800 Project Management D930
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D945, E342, D812, E414
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE24
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL29
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D659
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 3500 Computer Programming and Applications D796
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based E121, D661
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D557, E267, E268
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D870
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers in American Literature E872
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D874
    AFR 2212* Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222* Current Caribbean Literature HD85, OL80
    AFR 2612* Africana Philosophy and Religion D896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121* History of Architectural Technology D530, D532, D534, D536, D540, E116
    ARCH 2321* History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D608, D610, D612, E146
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D650, D652, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D035, D037, D039, D041, D045, D047, D049, D051, D053, D055, D057, D059, E138, E140, E144, E147, E150, E151, E153, E154, E156, E157, E160, E161
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics I) HD00, HD03, HE80, HE84
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD06, HD08, HD10, HD12
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD17, HE15
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD20, HD22
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D276
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases D278, E280
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUF 2203 Visual Merchandising D104
    BUS 2425 Business Management D053, D054, D055, D056, D057, D058, E053, E055, E058, E060
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210* General Chemistry II D140, D142, D144, D145, D147, D149, D151, E230, E233
    CHEM 2223* Organic Chemistry I D160, D163, D165
    CHEM 2323* Organic Chemistry II D170, D173, D175,E270, E271
    CHEM 3222 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics D180, E281
    CHEM 3312 Analytical Chemistry D185, E284
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources D196
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111 Digital Media Foundations D302, D304, D306, D308, D311
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design D294, D296, D298, E298
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology E242, HD44
    EMT 1255 Electronics D440, D442, D448, D452, E440, E442, E450, E452
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100* Introduction to Computer Systems D510, D513, D516, D518, D519, D521, D526, D528, D529, E206, E208
    CST 4800 Project Management D795, D796, D798, E396, E398, E400
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D006 D010, D012, E006
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, D032, E030
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D040, D042, E040, E042
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D056, E056, E057
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E080
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D220, D221, D222, D223, E604, E605, E606, E607, E608
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1773ID Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity HD18
    ENG 2000* Perspectives in Literature D526, D528, D530, E220, E222
    ENG 2001* Introduction to Literature I: Fiction D534, D536, E240
    ENG 2002* Introduction to Literature II: Drama D540, D542
    ENG 2003* Introduction to Literature III: Poetry HD04, HE48
    ENG 2101 English Literature II D546
    ENG 2190 Expressions of Identity: Representations of Gender and Space in Literature D552
    ENG 2201 American Literature II D556, HD54
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture D558
    ENG 2301 Great Works of Literature II D560, D562
    ENG 2400* Films from Literature D564, HD66
    ENG 2420* Science Fiction D570, D572
    ENG 2700* Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D600
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature D606, E310
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer D610
    ENG 3404 The Literature of Illness and Care HE12
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D612
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D200, D202, E904
    ENT 4430 Project Management D269, D270
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE63, HE64, HE65
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE89
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D650, D652, E850
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D663
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D688, D690, E888
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, E500, E501, LC02
    HMGT 1102 Introduction to Food and Beverage Management D404, D406, E504, E506, LC05
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D444, E544, E545
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D461, E557, E559, E560
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D462, E561, HD60, HD61, HE60, HE63
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D392
    Course Title Section (s)
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D738, E836
    LAW 4703 Immigration E874
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D778
    LAW 4704H Legal Technology E876
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E886
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E894, E896
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation in the Information Age D930, D932, E930
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440* Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D644, D645, D646, D648, D649, D650, D651, E582
    MAT 2450* Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D652, D653, D654, D655, E583
    MAT 2572 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D657
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D686
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D688
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D692
    MEDU 1021 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers D700
    MEDU 3020 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics D706
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, E478, E480, E482
    MECH 3500 Computer Programming and Applications D201
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D454
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E709, OL24
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice OL66
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1212 Fixed Prosthodontics II HD10
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D322, D323
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence D334, D336
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102* Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D664, D665, D666
    ECON 2505ID Environmental Economics D723, D724
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D770
    PHIL 2101 Introduction to Philosophy E672, E674
    PHIL 2106 Philosophy of Technology D628
    PSY 2301 Child Psychology OL44, OL45
    PSY 2402* Psychology of Personality D912, E752
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D692, D694, D696, D698, D700, D702, D704, D706, D708, D710, D712, E430, E434, E440
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D750, D752, D754, D760, D762, D764, E456, E458, E460
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D802, D804, D806, D808, E470, E472, E474
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D692, D694, D696, D698, D700, D702, D704, D706, D708, D710, D712, E430, E434, E440
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D556
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2000 Blacks in Media: Race, Gender and Cultural Representations D872
    AFR 2212* Modern African Literature D876
    AFR 2222* Current Caribbean Literature D879, D880
    AFR 2250* Black Women in Literature E884
    AFR 2612* Africana Philosophy and Religion D894
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121* History of Architectural Technology D520, D524, D526, D530, D532, E112
    ARCH 2321* History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D598, D600, D602, D604, E140
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D636, D638, E174
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 1101 Biology I D943
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D032, D034, D036, D038, D040, D042, D045, D046, D047, D048, D049, D051, D052, D053, D054, D056, D057, D059, E135, E137, E140, E142, E146, E147, E150, E152, E154, E155, E157
    BIO 3302 Microbiology HD64
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics I) HE86, HE88
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD93, HD94, HD95, HD96
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD77, HD97
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD79, HD99
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E199
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D044, D046, D048, E046, E048, E049
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 3650 Mainstreaming in Career and Technology Education D368
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210* General Chemistry II D146, D148, D150, D151, D153, D155, D157, E220, E221
    CHEM 2223* Organic Chemistry I D158, D160, D161, D163, D165, E260, E261
    CHEM 2323* Organic Chemistry II D170, D173
    CHEM 3622 Inorganic Chemistry E280, E281
    CMCE 1115 Statistics D008, D010, E008, CP42
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D025
    ESCI 2000ID Energy Resources HD02
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111 Digital Media Foundations D304, D306, D308, D311, D313, E402
    CDMG 1150 Office Applications D338
    CDMG 2300 Cross Media Color Analysis D360
    CDMG 2316 Advanced Image Editing E458
    CDMG 3532 Print Production for Designers D384, D387, E484
    CDMG 3611 Vector Art Editing D392
    CDMG 4600 Topics in Media Management E494
    CDMG 4700 Project Management II D396
    CDMG 4900 Media Management Internship D399, E499
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design D298, D299, E298
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology E384, HD84
    EMT 1255 Electronics D416, D418, D420, D422, D424, D426, E338, E340

    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100* Introduction to Computer Systems D598, D600, D601, D604, D605, D606, D608, D610, D613, E300, E305, E306, E307, LC10, LC62, PT30, PT31
    CST 1102ID Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling D634
    CST 4800 Project Management D773, D775, E382, E383, E384
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I D200, D202, D204, D205, D206, D208, D209, D210, E600, E607, E609, E611
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics Laboratory D230, E230
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems E264
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management E294
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1411 Creative Writing E205, HD04, HD05
    ENG 2000* Perspectives in Literature D520, D522, D528, D529, E218, E220
    ENG 2001* Introduction to Literature I: Fiction D530, D532
    ENG 2002* Introduction to Literature II: Drama D533, D534
    ENG 2003* Introduction to Literature III: Poetry D536, HE36
    ENG 2100 English Literature I D538
    ENG 2150* Introduction to Women Writers D539
    ENG 2160 Introduction to Women's Studies D540
    ENG 2200 American Literature I D538
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I D548, E248
    ENG 2400* Films from Literature D550
    ENG 2420* Science Fiction D553
    ENG 2700* Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D600
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature HD16
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer D617
    ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D618
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing HD25
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D202, D203, D204
    ENT 4430 Project Management D282
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D065, E065
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E075
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE64, HE66, HE67
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE90, HE92
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D652, D654, D655, E852
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D664, E862
    HUS 4700 Professional Internship I D686, D688, E887
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D692, D693, E892
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D404, D405, E500, E502, E504, LC00, LC02, CN 30
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D448, E548, E550
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, E567, E568, E570
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D470, D472, E571, E574, HD70, HD71, HD73, HD74, HE72
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D497
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARTH 1100 History and Appreciation of Photography LC01
    ARTH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present E232
    COM 2401 International Communication OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication OL97
    THE 2280ID History of the Theatre: Stages and Technology D477
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation in the Information Age D950, D952, E950
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2071 Introduction to Proofs and Logic D640
    MAT 2440* Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D643, D644, D744, D745
    MAT 2540* Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D646, E594
    MAT 3021 Number Theory D674
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D675
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I & Optimization D676
    MAT 4030 History of Mathematics D682
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education D690, LC92
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E479
    MECH 3530 Advanced Engineering Materials E425
    MECH 4850 D242, E444
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D463, E461
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E716, E718, OL17
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based D681, D683, D685, D687, D689, D691, D693, D697, D699, D701, D703, D707, D711, D713, D717, E431, E433, E435, E437, E439, E443
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D731, D733, D735, D737, D739, D741, D743, D745, D747, D749, E461, E467
    PHYS 1441 General Physics I: Calculus Based D761, D763, D765, D767, D769, D771, E475, E477, E479
    PHYS 1442 General Physics II: Calculus Based D781, D783, E483, E485
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102* Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion D602, D603
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D704, E654
    PSY 2402* Psychology of Personality E746
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D555, E505
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2201* Early Black Writers in American Literature E870
    AFR 2202* Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D875, HD76
    AFR 2212* Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222* Current Caribbean Literature D880, HD85
    AFR 2250* Black Women in Literature E888
    AFR 2612* Africana Philosophy and Religion D896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121* History of Architectural Technology D530, D532, D534, D536, D540, E116
    ARCH 2321* History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D608, D610, D612, E146
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D650, D654, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics I) D082, D083, HE80, HE84
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD94, HD95, HD96, HD98
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD97, HD99
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology D099, D200
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D098
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases D299, E199
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D050, D052, D054, E050, E051, E053, E055
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210* General Chemistry II D140, D142, D144, D145, D147, D149, D151, E230, E233, E235
    CHEM 2223* Organic Chemistry I D160, D163, D165
    CHEM 2323* Organic Chemistry II D170, D173, E270, E271
    CHEM 3312* Analytical Chemistry D180, D181
    CHEM 3412* Instrumental Methods of Analysis E286, E287
    ESCI 2000 Energy Resources D196
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111 Digital Media Foundations D304, D305, D306, D308, D311, D313, E450
    CDMG 4900 Media Management Internship E498
    COMD 4900 Internship in Communication Design D297, D298, D299, E298
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology E382, HD82
    EMT 1255 Electronics D432, D434, D436, D438, E335, E336, E337, E338
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100* Introduction to Computer Systems D600, D601, D602, D603, D604, D605, D606, D608, D609, E305, E306
    CST 4800 Project Management D769, D770, E382, E383, E384
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D006, E006
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, D031, E030
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D040, D042, E040, E042
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D058, E058
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E080
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D220, D221, D222, D223, E604, E605, E606, E607, E608
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1773* Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity HD15
    ENG 2000* Perspectives in Literature D526, D530, E220, E222, E225, E230
    ENG 2001* Introduction to Literature I: Fiction D540, D542, E240
    ENG 2002* Introduction to Literature II: Drama D544, D546
    ENG 2003* Introduction to Literature III: Poetry D547, E248
    ENG 2101* English Literature II D548
    ENG 2150* Introduction to Women Writers D549, D550
    ENG 2190* Expressions of Identity: Representations of Gender and Space in Literature D552
    ENG 2201* American Literature II D554, D556, E254, HD54
    ENG 2250* Asian American Literature and Culture D558
    ENG 2301* Great Works of Literature II D560, D561
    ENG 2400* Films from Literature D562, HD65
    ENG 2420* Science Fiction D567, D568
    ENG 2700* Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing E308
    ENG 3401* Law through Literature D570, E270
    ENG 3403* One Major Writer D578
    ENG 3404* The Literature of Illness and Care HE77
    ENG 3407* Gothic Literature and Visual Culture D579
    ENG 3775 Advanced Technical Writing D610
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 4430 Project Management D268, D270
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HEA 2112 The Evolving Face of Race, Class and Gender Identity D604
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE63, HE65
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE89, HE91
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D650, D652, E850
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, E862
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D681, D682, E881
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, E500, E501, E503, LC01
    HMGT 1102 Introduction to Food and Beverage Management D404, D406, E504, E506, LC05
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D444, E544, E545
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D459, E557, E559, E560
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D462, HD60, HD61, HE60, HE61, HE62, HE63
    HMGT 4990 Sustainable Food Systems D392
    Course Title Section (s)
    THE 2380* Play Analysis: Texts and Contexts D474
    Course Title Section (s)
    PRS 2202/LATS 2202* Latin American Literature D540
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D738, E836
    LAW 4703 Immigration E874
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D778
    LAW 4704H Legal Technology E876
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E886, E894
    LAW 4900H Senior Legal Seminar E896
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440* Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D636, D637, D638
    MAT 2540* Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D639, D640, E583
    MAT 3050 Geometry I D670
    MAT 3080* Modern Algebra D674
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D676
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D680
    MEDU 1021 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers D690
    MEDU 3020 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics D694
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, E476, E478, E480
    MECH 3500 Computer Programming and Applications D200
    MECH 4850 Senior Design Project D226, E526
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E709
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, D856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging E822
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1212 Fixed Prosthodontics II HD10
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D322, D323
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurisprudence D334, D336
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102* Comparative Religions D700, D701
    ECON 2505 Environmental Economics D227
    HIS 2405* History of Foodways in America E659
    HIS 3209* History of Technology D758
    PSY 2402* Psychology of Personality E752
    SBS 2000* Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences E798
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I E506
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers in American Literature E870
    AFR 2212 Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222 Current Caribbean Literature D880
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D894
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121 History of Architectural Technology D520, D524, D526, D530, D532, E112
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D598. D600, D602, D604, E140
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture D636, D638, E174
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II D032, D034, D036, D038, D040, D042, D045, D046, D047, D048, D049, D051, D052, D053, D054, D056, D057, D059, E135, E137, E140, E142, E146, E147, E150, E152, E154, E155, E157, E158
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics l) HD90, HD91, HE86, HE88
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II D093, D094, D095, OL92
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD97
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD99
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E199
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D044, D046, D048, E046, E047, E048, E049
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 3650 Mainstreaming in Career and Technology Education D368
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D151, D153, D157
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D173
    Course Title Section (s)
    COMD 4900 Internship in Advertising/Graphic Design D297, D298, D299, E298
    CDMG 1111 Digital Media Foundations D304, D306, D308, D311, D313, E402
    CDMG 1150 Office Applications D338
    CDMG 2300 Cross Media Color Analysis D360
    CDMG 2316 Advanced Image Editing E458
    CDMG 2317 Production Cost Management D362
    CDMG 3500 Digital Quality Assurance E480
    CDMG 3532 Print Production for Designers D384, D387, E484
    CDMG 3607 Digital Asset Management E490
    CDMG 3611 Vector Art Editing D392
    CDMG 4600 Topics in Media Management E100
    CDMG 4700 Project Management II D100
    CDMG 4900 Media Management Internship E499
    Course Title Section (s)
    CET 4773 Inter-networking Technology E384, HD84
    EMT 1255 Electronics D416, D418, D420, D422, D424, D426, E338, E340
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems D598, D600, D601, D602, D604, D605, D606, D608, D610, D611, E300, E304, E305, E306, E307, LC12
    CST 1102 Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling D633, D634
    CST 4800 Project Management D773, D775, E382, E383, E384
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D010
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D025
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I D200, D202, D204, D205, D206, D208, D209, D210, E600, E607, E309, E611
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 1241 Electronics Laboratory D230, E230
    EET 4102 Electrical Power Systems E264
    TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management E294
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D520, D522, D528, D529, E218, E220, E225
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D530, D532
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama D534
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry D536, E236
    ENG 2100 English Literature I D538
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers D540
    ENG 2170 Introduction to Studies in Maleness and Manhood E238
    ENG 2180 Studies in Identity and Orientation D541
    ENG 2200 American Literature I D542, E244, HD44
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture D546
    ENG 2300 Great Works of Literature I D548
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature D550
    ENG 2420 Science Fiction HD53
    ENG 2700 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing D700
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D200, D202, D904
    ENT 4430 Project Management D278, E982
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D065, E065
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E075

    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE64, HE66
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE90, HE92
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D652, D654, D655, E852
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D664. E862
    HUS 4700 Professional Internship I D686, D688, E887
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I E890
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D692, D693, E892

    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D402, D404, E500, E504, LC00, LC05
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D448, E548, E550
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, E567, E568, E570
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar E573, E574, HD70, HD71, HD72, HD73, HD74, HD75, HE72
    Course Title Section (s)
    COM 2401 International Communication OL99
    COM 2402 Intercultural Communication E397
    Course Title Section (s)
    LIB 1201 Research and Documentation in the Information Age D950, D952, E950

    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2071 Introduction to Proofs and Logic D640
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D643, D644, D645
    MAT 2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II E594
    MAT 3021 Number Theory D674
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D675
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I & Optimization D676
    MAT 4030 History of Mathematics D682
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education D690
    MEDU 2010 Technology in Mathematics Education LC92
    MEDU 3011 Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics LC95
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, D180, E479
    MECH 3530 Advanced Engineering Materials E425
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D455, D461, D463
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E716, E718, OL17, OL18
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 D681, D683, D685, D687, D689, D691, D693, D697, D699, D701, D703, D707, D711, D713, D717, E431, E433, E435, E437, E439, E443
    PHYS 1434 D731, D733, D735, D737, D739, D741, D743, D745, D747, D749, E461, E463, E467
    PHYS 1441 D761, D763, D765, D767, D769, D771, E475, E477, E479
    PHYS 1442 D781, D783, E483, E485
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Comparative Religions D602, D603
    HIS 3209 History of Technology D704
    PSY 2402 Psychology of Personality E746
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I E505
    Course Title Section (s)
    MED 3910 Internship/Research in Biomedical Informatics D640
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management E150
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210* General Chemistry II D514, D515, D629, E225
    CHEM 2323* Organic Chemistry I D631
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 4900 Media Management Internship E052
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D945, E342, HD96, D812, D814, E414
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE24
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440* Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D659
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 3500 Computer Programming and Applications D796
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based E121, D661, E263
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D557, E267
    Course Title Section (s)
    MED 3910 Internship D640
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management E150
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D514, D515, D629, E225
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D631
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 4900 Media Management Internship D052
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics CP80
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature D945, E342, D812, D814, E414
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE10, HY24
    Course Title Section (s)
    PHYS 1433 General Physics I: Algebra Based E121, D661, E263
    PHYS 1434 General Physics II: Algebra Based D557, E127, E267
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2201* Early Black Writers in American Literature E870
    AFR 2202* Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D875, HD76
    AFR 2212* Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222* Current Caribbean Literature HD85
    AFR 2250* Black Women in Literature E888
    AFR 2612* Africana Philosophy and Religion D896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121* History of Architectural Technology D530, D532, D534, D536, D540, E116
    ARCH 2321* History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present D608, D610, D612, D614, E146
    ARCH 3522* A History of New York City Architecture D650, D654, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics I) HD82, HD83
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II HD95, HD96
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD97
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD98
    MED 4229 Healthcare Databases E199
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D050, D052, D054, D055, E050, E051, E053, E055
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210* General Chemistry II D145, D147, D149, D151, E233, E235
    CHEM 2323* Organic Chemistry II D173, E271
    Course Title Section (s)
    CDMG 1111 Graphic Communication Workshop D300, D302, D304, D306, D308, D311, D313
    CDMG 4900 Graphic Arts Internship E498
    COMD 4900 Internship in Advertising / Graphic Design D297, D298, D299, E298
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100* Introduction to Computer Systems D601, D602, D608
    CST 4800 Project Management D769, E382
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D006, E006
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory D030, D031, E030
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D040, D042, E040, E042
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory D058, E058
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E080
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II D210, D211, D212, D213, D215, D216, D217, D218, D220, D221, D222, D223, E604, E605, E606, E607, E608
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 1773* Weird Science: Interpreting and Redefining Humanity HD15
    ENG 2000* Perspectives in Literature D522, D526, D530, D532, E220, E222, E225, E230
    ENG 2001* Introduction to Literature I: Fiction D540, E240, HD42
    ENG 2002* Introduction to Literature II: Drama D546
    ENG 2003* Introduction to Literature III: Poetry E248, HD47
    ENG 2101* English Literature II D548
    ENG 2150* Introduction to Women Writers D549
    ENG 2201* American Literature II E254
    ENG 2301* Great Works of Literature II D560
    ENG 2400* Films from Literature D562, D565
    ENG 3401* Law through Literature D570, E270
    ENG 3402* Topics in Literature D575
    ENG 3403* One Major Writer D578
    ENG 3404* The Literature of Illness and Care HE77
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 4430 Project Management D268, E968
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE63, HE65
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE89, HE91
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D650, D652, E850
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, E862
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship I D680, D682, E881
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, D401, E500, E501, E503
    HMGT 1102 Introduction to Food and Beverage Management D404, D405, D406, E504, E506
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D444, E544. E545
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D459, E558, E559, E560
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar D462, HD60, HD61, HE60, HE61, HE62Â
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D738, E836
    LAW 4703 Immigration E874
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D778, E876
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E886, E894, E896
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440* Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D638, D639
    MAT 2540* Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D640, E583
    MAT 3050 Geometry I D670
    MAT 3080* Modern Algebra D674
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications D676
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II D680
    MEDU 1021 Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Teachers D690
    MEDU 3020 Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics D694
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, E478, E480
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research E709
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities D854, D856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging E822
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1212 Fixed Prosthodontics II HD10
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I D322, D323
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurisprudence D334, D336
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102* Comparative Religions D701
    PSY 2402* Psychology of Personality E752
    PSY 3405* Health Psychology E764
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D556
    Course Title Section (s)
    ADV 4900 Internship in Advertising/Graphic Design D297, D298, D299, E298
    GRA 1111 Graphic Communications Workshop D302, D304, D306, D308, D311, D313
    GRA 4800 The Graphic Arts Production Team E498
    GRA 4900 Graphic Arts Internship E498
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2201* Early Black Writers in American Literature D870
    AFR 2202* Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D875
    AFR 2212* Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222* Current Caribbean Literature D880
    AFR 2250* Black Women in Literature D885, E885
    AFR 2612* Africana Philosophy and Religion D894
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121* History of Architectural Technology D520, D522, D524, D526, D530, D532, E112
    ARCH 2321* History of Architecture:1900 to the Present D598, D600, D602, D604, E140
    ARCH 3522* A History of New York City Architecture D636, D638, E174
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 3302* Microbiology D086, E162, E166
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics l) HE86
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II D093, OL92
    BIO 3354 Computational Genomics HD94
    BIO 3356 Molecular Modeling in Biology HD95
    Course Title Section (s)
    BUS 2425 Business Management D044, D046, D048, E046, E047, E048, E059
    Course Title Section (s)
    EDU 3650 Mainstreaming in Career and Technology Education D368
    EDU 3670 Methods of Literacy Instruction in Career and Technology Education E568
    Course Title Section(s)
    CHEM 1210* General Chemistry II D146, D148, D150, D151, D153, D155, D157, E220, E221
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II D170, D173
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100* Introduction to Computer Systems D600, D602, D604, D606, D608, D610, D612, E300, E302, E304, E305, E306
    CST 4800 Project Management D775
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1155 Computer Applications in Engineering Technology D010, E010, E011, E012
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics E036, E037
    CMCE 4700 Construction Law E070
    Course Title Section (s)
    DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I D200, D202, E600
    Course Title Section (s)
    EET 2162 Digital Electronics 1 D242
    TCET 2220 Transmission Systems E280
    TCET 3102 Analog and Digital Communications I E282
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000* Perspectives in Literature D520, D522, D524, D528, D529, E218, E220, E225
    ENG 2001* Introduction to Literature I Fiction D530, 532
    ENG 2002* Introduction to Literature II Drama D534
    ENG 2003* Introduction to Literature III Poetry E236, HD36
    ENG 2100* English Literature I D538
    ENG 2150* Introduction to Women Writers D540
    ENG 2200* American Literature I D542, E242, E244, HD44
    ENG 2250* Asian American Literature and Culture D546
    ENG 2300* Great Works of Literature I D548
    ENG 2400* Films from Literature D550, D552
    ENG 3401* Law Through Literature D554, E254
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature D556
    ENG 3403* One Major Writer D558
    ENG 3404* The Literature of Illness and Care HE60
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1100 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D250, D251, E910
    ENT 4430 Project Management D243, E943
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENVC 2321 Air Conditioning Systems Laboratory II D065
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building E075
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE64, HE66
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I D652, D654, D655, E852
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II D662, D664, E862, E863
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I D686, D688, E887
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II D692, D693, E892
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management D400, D402, D404, D405, E500, E504
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations D448, D449, D450, D451, D452, E548, E549, E550, E551
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D465, D466, E567, E568, E570
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar E574, HD70, HD71, HD72, HD73, HD74, HE72
    Course Title Section (s)
    THE 2380* Play Analysis and Aesthetics D478
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2304 Legal Research II D724
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D736, E836, E874
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology D782, E882
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research E885
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E898, E899
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2071* Introduction to Proofs and Logic D640
    MAT 2440* Discrete Structures and Algorithms I D642, D644, E593
    MAT 2540* Discrete Structures and Algorithms II D646
    MAT 2572* Probability and Mathematical Statistics I D648, D650
    MAT 3021* Number Theory D674
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II D675
    MAT 3770 Mathematical Modeling I - Optimization D676
    MAT 3772 Stochastic Models D678
    MAT 3788 Applications of the Heat Equation for Financial Mathematics D680
    MAT 4030 History of Mathematics D682
    MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education D690
    MEDU 2010 Pedagogy of Mathematics Applications and Technology D692
    MEDU 3011 Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics D695
    MEDU 4010 Supervised Student Teaching and Seminar in Middle School Mathematics D696
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials D178, E478, E479
    Course Title Section (s)
    NUR 2110 Caring for Clients with Complex Alterations in Survival and Functional Needs D450, D454
    NUR 3130 Nursing Research D518, E718, HD17, HD19, OL18
    NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice E748, HD49, OL47, OL48
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1111 Complete Dentures I D308, D309
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102* Comparative Religions D602
    PSY 2401* Social Psychology D902
    PSY 2402* Psychology of Personality E746
    PSY 3405* Health Psychology E766
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I E505
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II D514, D515
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II HE24
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods HE14
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials DL14
    Course Title Section (s)
    ADV 4900 Internship in Advertising/Graphic Design  D297, D298, D299, E298
    GRA 1111 Graphic Communications Workshop  D300, D302, D304, D306, D308, D311, D313
    GRA 4900 Graphic Arts Internship E498
    Course Title Section (s)
    AFR 2201 Early Black Writers in American Literature D870, E870
    AFR 2202 Contemporary Black Writers in American Literature D875
    AFR 2212 Modern African Literature D878
    AFR 2222 Current Carribean Literature D885
    AFR 2250 Black Women in Literature  E888
    AFR 2612 Africana Philosophy and Religion D896
    Course Title Section (s)
    ARCH 1121 History of Architectural Technology  D530, D532, D534, D536, D540, E116
    ARCH 2321 History of Architecture: 1900 to the Present  D608, D610, D612m D614, E146
    ARCH 3522 A History of New York City Architecture  D650, D654, E164
    Course Title Section (s)
    BIO 3350 Elements of Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics l)  HD85, OL84
    BIO 3352 Bioinformatics II  D097, D098
    Course Title Section (s)
    CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II  D129, D131, D133, D135, E231, E235
    CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry II  D161, E261
    Course Title Section (s)
    CST 1100 Introduction to Computer Systems  D601, D612
    CST 4800 Project Management  D770, E382
    Course Title Section (s)
    CMCE 1115 Statics D006, E006
    CMCE 2306 Materials Testing Laboratory  D030, E031
    CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics D040, D042, E040, E042
    CMCE 2456 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory  D058
    Course Title Section (s)
    Dental Hygiene DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II  D210, D211, D212, D215, D216, D217, D220, D221, D222, E604, E605, E606, E607
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENG 2000 Perspectives in Literature  D522, D526, D530, D532, E220, E222, E225, E230
    ENG 2001 Introduction to Literature I Fiction D540, D542, E240
    ENG 2002 Introduction to Literature II Drama  D546
    ENG 2003 Introduction to Literature III Poetry E248, HD47
    ENG 2101 English Literature II  D548
    ENG 2150 Introduction to Women Writers HD52
    ENG 2201 American Literature II  E254
    ENG 2250 Asian American Literature and Culture  D558
    ENG 2301 Great Works of Literature II  D560
    ENG 2400 Films from Literature  D562, D565
    ENG 3401 Law Through Literature  D570, E270
    ENG 3402 Topics in Literature  D575
    ENG 3403 One Major Writer  D578
    ENG 3404 The Literature of Illness and Care  HE77
    Course Title Section (s)
    ENT 1101 Introduction to Entertainment Technology D207, E901
    ENT 4430 Project Management  D243
    Course Title Section (s)
    FMGT 3520 Anatomy of a Building  E078
    Course Title Section (s)
    HMGT 1101 Perspectives in Hospitality Management  D400, D401, E500, E501, E503
    HMGT 1102 Introduction to Food and Beverage Management  D404, D405, D406, E504, E506
    HMGT 2305 Dining Room Operations  D444. E544, E545
    HMGT 3501 Hospitality Workforce Management in a Global Marketplace D459, E558, E559, E560
    HMGT 3502 Hospitality Management Research Seminar  D462, HD60, HD61, HE60, HE61, HE62
    Course Title Section (s)
    HSA 3602 Health Services Management II  HE63, HE65
    HSA 4740 Health Research Methods  HE89, HE91
    HUS 2305 Human Services Field Practicum I  D650, D652, E850
    HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II  D662, E862
    HUS 4701 Professional Internship I  D678, E878, E879
    HUS 4801 Professional Internship II  D680, D682, E881
    Course Title Section (s)
    LAW 2304 Family Law D726, E826
    LAW 2403 Legal Document Preparation D738, E836
    LAW 4703 Immigration  E874
    LAW 4704 Legal Technology  D778, E876
    LAW 4800 Advanced Legal Research  E886
    LAW 4900 Senior Legal Seminar E896, E898
    Course Title Section (s)
    MAT 2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I  D638, D639
    MAT 2450 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II  D640
    MAT 3050 Geometry I  D670
    MAT 3080 Modern Algebra  D671
    MAT 3672 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II  D672
    MAT 4672 Computational Statistics with Applications  D676
    MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II  D680
    Course Title Section (s)
    MECH 2322 Engineering Materials  D178, E478, E480
    Course Title Section (s)
    RAD 2426 Imaging Modalities  D854, E856
    RAD 4830 Capstone Leadership Roles in Medical Imaging  E822
    Course Title Section (s)
    RESD 1212 Fixed Prosthodontics II  HD10
    RESD 1216 Removable Partial Dentures I  D322, D323
    RESD 2409 Laboratory Operation, Ethics and Jurispridence  D331, D332
    Course Title Section (s)
    ANTH 1102 Comparative Religions D701
    PSY 2402 Psychology of Personality  E752
    PSY 3405 Health Psychology  D931, E764
    SOC 2201 Sociology of Aging  D980
    Course Title Section (s)
    VCT 1105 Principles of Optics I D556