Research, Scholarship & Creative Work

City Tech is uniquely positioned to understand and address critical issues relevant to the city, state and world, and to facilitate successful pathways for existing and emerging talent.

City Tech, the Research Council, and our Associate Provost and Dean of Curriculum & Research are committed to realizing this potential:

Vision: Design a vibrant research and innovation ecosystem of scholarly and creative works that is flexible and increases our reputation as a world-class urban research center/college with broad societal impacts.

Mission: Nurture researcher talent by giving researchers the resources, infrastructure, and supports that they need to do innovative high-impact research; assure funders that research is conducted with integrity and compliance; and to create pathways for City Tech discoveries to impact the world.

Values: Integrity, excellence, inclusion, collaboration, innovation, societal impact

Five Strategic Pillars:

  1. Invest-in and empower our researchers, scholars, innovators, and entrepreneurs
  2. Gain renown as a leader in public-impact convergence research1
  3. Strengthen the research and innovation infrastructure
  4. Accelerate the translation of discoveries for economic and societal impact
  5. Aggressively seek funding from all sources (internal, external, local, federal, private)

1. Here we use the NSF definition of convergence research, which includes two key characteristics: 1) it is driven by a specific and compelling problem,
and 2) it involves deep integration across disciplines learn About Convergence Research.